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Devastating clouds of dust helped end the reign of the dinosaurs

When a giant meteor crashed into Earth 66 million years ago, the impact pulverized cubic kilometers of rock and blasted the dust and debris...

Did dinosaurs feast on giant dinosaur buffets? New study says maybe!”

Have you ever wondered what dinosaurs ate? Some, like the T-Rex, were meat-eaters, but a recent study suggests that some large dinosaurs might have preferred...

A glimpse into a 465-million-year-old trilobite’s last meal!

Scientists have made a fascinating discovery, unlocking secrets from a creature that lived 465 million years ago! Using advanced imaging technology, researchers from Charles University...

Scientists explore dinosaur ‘coliseum’ in Denali National Park

Scientists at the University of Alaska Fairbanks have discovered and documented the largest known single dinosaur track in Alaska. The site, located in Denali National...

Scientists discover the biggest fossil spider in Australia

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists from the Australian Museum (AM) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) have uncovered a fossil of a...

How flowering plants became nature’s survivors after dinosaurs went extinct

Did you know that flowering plants are like the superheroes of the plant world? A new study shows that they managed to survive the massive...

This 265-million-year-old mega predator ruled South America before dinosaurs, shows study

Before the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, there was an even older, super big predator that owned the land. Scientists have discovered an amazing fossil of...

How did plesiosaurs get their super-long necks? New fossils give clues

Ever wonder how some dinosaurs got really long necks? Imagine a marine reptile, like the plesiosaur, with a neck five times longer than its body! Scientists...

Europe’s unique dinosaurs: Meet the Rhabdodontids

When we think about dinosaurs, we usually imagine famous ones like T-Rex or Triceratops. But did you know Europe had its own special dinosaurs? Around 100...

Were dinosaurs in trouble before the asteroid impact? New study says no.

If you've ever wondered what kind of dinosaurs lived in Africa just before they all disappeared, we've got some exciting news for you! Scientists in...