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Scientists discover a new species of chordate from Cambrian period

Scientists have uncovered a new species of chordate, a group that includes vertebrates like humans, in a surprising discovery from the Cambrian period, about...

Newly discovered dinosaur lived underground

Dinosaurs didn't just roam above ground; some lived below the surface too. A newly discovered dinosaur species, Fona herzogae, shows evidence that these animals spent...

Australian amber has revealed ‘living fossils’ traced back to Gondwana 42 million years ago

Amber is fossilized tree resin. Unlike traditional fossils found on land or in the sea, amber can preserve ancient life forms in incredible detail. It's...

Scientists discover the most complete dinosaur in the UK in a century

A groundbreaking discovery has been made in the UK: the most complete dinosaur skeleton found in the country in the past 100 years. This exciting...

Meet this giant salamander-like creature: The Ice Age’s swamp predator before dinosaurs

Long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth, a giant salamander-like creature named Gaiasia jennyae was the top predator in its swampy habitat. This fearsome creature, with...

Clue in ancient limestone sheds light on Early Jurassic mass extinction

Scientists have uncovered an important clue in Italian limestone that helps explain a mass extinction of marine life that happened millions of years ago. This...

How dinosaur extinction helped grapes thrive: ancient seeds tell the story

If you've ever enjoyed a glass of wine or a handful of raisins, you might owe a thanks to the dinosaurs' extinction. Researchers have discovered...

Exceptionally preserved trilobite fossils revolutionize understanding of ancient marine creatures

Scientists have uncovered some of the most well-preserved trilobite fossils ever found, offering new insights into these ancient marine creatures that lived over 500...

Ancient bones reveal new species of pterosaur in Australia

New research from Curtin University has uncovered a remarkable discovery in western Queensland, Australia. Fossilized bones found here, which are 100 million years old, have...

Human hunting helped drive woolly rhinoceros to extinction, new study finds

Researchers have discovered that human hunting played a significant role in the extinction of the woolly rhinoceros. This iconic species, known for its thick skin...