Scientists reconstruct crushed Scottish fossils to show ancient predator’s skull
Scientists have used advances in CT scanning and 3D visualization to reconstruct the skull of Crassigyrinus scoticus, an ancient crocodile-like predator that lived over...
Scientists reveal a plesiosaur’s last meal
We now know more about the diet of a prehistoric creature that grew up to two and a half metres long and lived in...
These bird-like dinosaurs laid 4 to 6 eggs in a communal nest
Dinosaur Troodon's body temperature was 42°C and that it could reduce its body temperature to 30°C, similar to modern birds.
New study reveals the secret of dinosaur body size
Most animals are thought to evolve to be larger by growing faster than their ancestors, but this study shows that it's just as likely that bigger and smaller animals grew for longer or shorter periods of time during growth spurt
Why some dinosaurs are big, the others so small?
The meat-eating dinosaurs known as theropods that roamed the ancient Earth ranged in size from the bus-sized T. rex to the smaller, dog-sized Velociraptor.
Scientists discover the largest penguin that ever lived on Earth
Fossil bones from two newly-described penguin species, one of them thought to be the largest penguin to ever live – weighing more than 150 kilograms, more than three times the size of the largest living penguins – have been unearthed in New Zealand.
Mercury helps reveal Earth’s most massive extinction event
'It wasn't just one very bad day on Earth. The situation is much more complicated than people realized'.
The Latest Permian Mass Extinction (LPME) was...
Scientists discover new pterosaur with tiny hooked teeth
An unusual new species of pterosaur has been identified, which had over 400 teeth that looked like the prongs of a nit comb.
The fossil...
How long it took Madagascar’s mammals to emerge? 23 million years
In many ways, Madagascar is a biologist’s dream, a real-life experiment in how isolation on an island can spark evolution.
About 90% of the plants...
Scientists reveal the diets of early dinosaurs
The earliest dinosaurs included carnivorous, omnivorous and herbivorous species, according to a team of paleobiologists.