
Africa’s grassy habitats emerged 10+ million years earlier than previously thought

A pair of studies published April 14 in the journal Science paint a new picture about apes, ancient Africa and the origins of humans. Many...

MAYA people shopped at places like today’s supermarkets

More than 500 years ago in the midwestern Guatemalan highlands, Maya people bought and sold goods at markets.

Why was Roman concrete so durable?

The ancient Romans were masters of engineering, constructing vast networks of roads, aqueducts, ports, and massive buildings, whose remains have survived for two millennia. Many...

Scientists find the oldest known projectile points in the Americas

Archaeologists have uncovered projectile points in Idaho that are thousands of years older than any previously found in the Americas. This helps fill in the...

Early humans may have first walked upright in the trees

Human bipedalism – walking upright on two legs – may have evolved in trees, and not on the ground as previously thought, according to...

Precise solar observations fed millions in ancient Mexico

Before the Spanish arrival in 1519, the Basin of Mexico’s agricultural system fed a population that was extraordinarily large for the time. 

People with certain genes were more likely to survive the Black Death, shows study

The Black Death was the single greatest mortality event in recorded history, killing up to 50% of the European population in less than five...

Why is there a genetic risk for brain disorders? Neandertal DNA may offer answers

In a study from the University of Tartu, scientists found Neandertal DNA may provide answers to why there is a genetic risk for brain...

Scientists discover the ship that sent out iceberg warning to The Titanic

The ship which sent an iceberg warning to the RMS Titanic, before the ocean-liner sank, has been identified lying in the Irish Sea. In 1912...

This shipwreck off southern Argentina is a long-lost 1850s Rhode Island whaler

Scientists investigating the remains of an old wooden ship off the cold, windy coast of far southern Argentina say it almost certainly is the...