What causes an ice age to end?
New University of Melbourne research has revealed that ice ages over the last million years ended when the tilt angle of the Earth's axis...
Your community could influence how long you’ll live
In a new study, researchers found while lifestyle choices and genetics go a long way toward predicting longevity, certain community characteristics also play important...
Smokers carry harmful compounds on their skin and clothes
In a new study, researchers found that people can carry hazardous compounds from cigarette smoke that cling to their bodies and clothes and then...
Air pollution may lead to poor kidney health
In a new study, researchers found that people living in areas with higher levels of air pollution faced higher risks of developing kidney disease.
Extreme weather could push the U.S. into recession
Without better knowledge of the risk, the average energy investor can only hope that the next extreme event won’t trigger a sudden correction, according...
Not all BPA-free products are safe, study shows
In a new study, researchers found that using "BPA-free" plastic products could be as harmful to human health -- including a developing brain --...
As groundwater depletes, arid American West is moving east
Even under modest climate warming scenarios, the continental United States faces a significant loss of groundwater - about 119 million cubic meters, or roughly...
The world’s ‘chemical diversity’ tripled in just 20 years
There are 350,000 chemicals available on the market and in circulation worldwide, according to a new estimate.
The last time researchers compiled a list, it...
Next generation of greenhouses may be fully solar-powered
Many greenhouses could become energy neutral by using see-through solar panels to harvest energy –- primarily from the wavelengths of light that plants don't...
Common dental floss may increase these toxic chemicals in your body
PFAS chemicals are used in a range of consumer products, including fast food packaging, non-stick pans, waterproof clothing, and stain-resistant carpets.
People can be exposed...