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Hydrogen fuel is getting buzz, but here’s why it hasn’t gone mainstream

Is hydrogen the answer to our energy needs? An aerospace and mechanical engineer explains how to bring this fuel down to Earth. The hydrogen fuel...

New aluminium battery concept could help make more sustainable batteries

A new concept for an aluminium battery has twice the energy density as previous versions, is made of abundant materials, and could lead to...

New bendable battery can stretch and twist without losing power

A new bendable battery can stretch and twist without interrupting the supply of power. For applications in bendable electronic devices, this is precisely the kind...

Scientists create stretchable and bendable lithium-ion battery

Scientists have used stretchable materials to develop a battery that can be bent, stretched and twisted. For applications in bendable electronic devices, this is...

New algorithms could protect power grid from ‘internet of things’ attack

Last year, Princeton researchers identified a disturbing security flaw in which hackers could someday exploit internet-connected appliances to wreak havoc on the electrical grid. Now,...

Scientists find new way to turn heat into energy

An international team of scientists has figured out how to capture heat and turn it into electricity. The discovery, published last week in the journal...

Scientists create an innovative device to generate light from darkness

The technology could eventually aid the more than 1 billion people around the world who lack reliable access to electricity. When frost forms on the...

Scientists find new way to convert carbon dioxide into liquid fuels

A new way to convert carbon dioxide into the building block for sustainable liquid fuels was very efficient in tests and did not have...

3D Nanochains could increase battery capacity, cut charging time

How long the battery of your phone or computer lasts depends on how many lithium ions can be stored in the battery's negative electrode...

Platinum-graphene fuel cell catalysts show superior stability over bulk platinum

Films of platinum only two atoms thick supported by graphene could enable fuel cell catalysts with unprecedented catalytic activity and longevity, says new study. Platinum...