
New spectrometer could fit in your smartphone

At the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, a team of smart scientists has created something pretty cool and incredibly small:...

Study reveals Apple’s privacy promises may fall short

A new study from Aalto University has shed light on a worrying issue: keeping your personal data private on Apple devices might be much...

Scientists invent super-sniffer chips mimicking human nose for detecting smells and gases

Imagine a tiny chip that can sniff out smells and gases just like our noses do. A group of smart scientists at the Hong Kong...

New wearable balance device may help prevent falls in older people

As we age, keeping our balance becomes tougher. Our muscles aren't as strong, our eyesight changes, and the way our bodies feel movement alters. This...

Researchers create eco-friendly LEDs based on copper–iodide clusters

Scientists at the University of Science and Technology of China, led by Prof. Yao Hongbin, have made a big leap in lighting technology by...

Making clothes smart: a breakthrough from Singapore

In Singapore, scientists have made a big leap forward by creating ultra-thin threads that could turn regular clothes into smart electronics. Imagine wearing a...

Scientists harness mini magnetic whirls to revolutionize future gadgets

In a groundbreaking effort, scientists from A*STAR and the National University of Singapore have introduced a cutting-edge technology that might just change the way...

Smart rings’ ultra-precise movement tracking take wearable technology to the next level

There is a lot of hype about smart rings right now—Samsung is due to release a Galaxy ring, and there is unsubstantiated speculation that...

Salt-sized sensors could collect data for wireless network, shows study

A team of smart engineers from Brown University has made a huge breakthrough with tiny sensors, each as small as a grain of salt. Their...

Children may overestimate smart speakers’ abilities

Children overrate the intelligence of smart speakers—such as Alexa, Siri, or Google Home—and are uncertain if the systems can think like humans or not,...