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Social distancing still matters to reduce COVID-19 risk, shows new study

The COVID-19 pandemic has stretched into 2022. More and more people receive vaccines worldwide. Is it necessary to keep social distancing or pay special attention...

Brain shortcuts may explain why many people are against COVID vaccine and masks

If close friends and family members who contracted COVID-19 had mild cases and recovered quickly, or if they had an adverse reaction to the...

Warren Buffett: Why I Admire Jack Bogle So Much

Warren Buffett, known as the "Oracle of Omaha," is an American businessman and philanthropist, widely considered the most successful investor of the 20th century. He has...

Warren Buffett: Why I Suggest My Wife Invest In S&P500, not Berkshire Hathaway

Buffett is best known for being one of the world's most successful investors, and his company, Berkshire Hathaway, is said to be one of...

Be brave like a tiger: Lunar New Year explained

"Everyone should be reminded to be brave like a tiger this year." That's the sage advice of a young China studies scholar at The Australian...

How to address the microchip shortage in the U.S.

This country’s semiconductor chip shortage is likely to continue well into 2022. A Georgia Tech expert predicts that the U.S. will need to make major...

Economists forecast impact of inflation, interest rates and instability in 2022

In 2021, the United States faced several profound challenges: another year of a global pandemic, governmental instability and gridlock, supply-chain issues, high inflation, and...

Five trends that will reshape our lives in 2022 and beyond

Even a global pandemic cannot slow the acceleration of new technologies and evolving technologies that has become the disruptive norm of our lives over...

Warren Buffett: You don’t need a business degree to do investments

Buffett is known as a businessman and philanthropist. But he's probably best known for being one of the world's most successful investors. Which is why...

Jack Bogle: Why I don’t like international stock markets

International investing is a strategy that involves selecting global investment instruments as part of an investment portfolio. Some believe that investing in international funds increases your...