Computer Science

Scientists demonstrate the power of 53 entangled qubits in quantum supremacy

Researchers in UC Santa Barbara/Google scientist John Martinis’ group have made good on their claim to quantum supremacy. Using 53 entangled quantum bits (“qubits”), their...

This stealthy tool could detect malware in JavaScript

A new open-source tool called VisibleV8 allows users to track and record the behavior of JavaScript programs without alerting the websites that run those...

Hobbyist DNA services may be open to genetic hacking

With the growth of home DNA testing, online services such as GEDMatch, MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA have become popular places for people to upload their...

Google quantum computing breakthrough a ‘remarkable milestone’

Google announced Wednesday an experimental quantum processor completed a calculation in just a few minutes, a process that would take a traditional supercomputer thousands...

Google’s new congestion control algorithm does not treat data fairly, says new study

If the Internet had its own superhero, it might be the congestion control algorithm (CCA). CCAs are an essential piece of code Internet giants use...

New augmented reality system lets smartphone users get hands-on with virtual objects

The new augmented reality system places virtual objects within real-world backgrounds on cell phone screens and lets people interact with those objects by hand...

New machine learning system could help hunt down “serial hijackers”

An increasingly popular form of cyber-attack is to hijack IP addresses for a range of goals, from sending spam and malware to stealing Bitcoin. It’s...

Scientists discover new material that could someday power quantum computer

Researchers discover a superconductor that naturally exists between two states, a finding that could pave the way for more complex computing in the future. Quantum...

Electron switch may get us closer to quantum computers

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize technology, medicine, and science by providing faster and more efficient processors, sensors, and communication devices. But transferring information...

Your video can ID you through walls

The new method could help identify a person through walls from candidate video footage, using only WiFi. Researchers in the lab of UC Santa Barbara...