Computer Science

A new chip for beyond-5G network

A new chip for beyond-5G network

In a new study, researchers developed a new chip design to support the beyond-5G network of the future. The research was conducted by researchers at...
Lightning may prevent hackers from damaging power grids

Lightning may prevent hackers from damaging power grids

In a new study, researchers found lightning from distant storms may help prevent hackers from damaging electric power substations and other infrastructure. The research was...
New digital fingerprints could boost your device security

New digital fingerprints could boost your device security

A new study from Rice University has developed a new technology to produce digital fingerprints much more reliable than before. The new tech could be...
AI could save your phone battery

AI could save your phone battery

In a new study, researchers found artificial intelligence (AI) could help save phone battery for when people need it. It can predict when people will...
Scientists develop new materials for more secure computing

Scientists develop new materials for more secure computing

In a new study, researchers have developed a material with light-emitting properties that may achieve hacking-free communications. The research was conducted by a team of...
Scientists discover new flaws in 4G and 5G networks

Scientists discover new flaws in 4G and 5G networks

In a new study, researchers show new flaws found in 4G and 5G networks could help hackers intercept phone calls and track users’ locations. The...
Scientists develop faster way to read quantum memory

Scientists develop faster way to read quantum memory

A new study from Aalto University has developed a new method that helps read quantum information faster. Previously, scientists have found that quantum computers have...
Your computer may be vulnerable to attack via plug-in devices

Your computer may be vulnerable to attack via plug-in devices

In a new study, researchers found many laptops and desktop computers are vulnerable to hacking through common plug-in devices. Attackers could compromise an unattended computer...
Scientists create a new computer chip prototype for Internet of Things

Scientists create a new computer chip prototype for Internet of Things

In a new study, researchers have created a prototype “computer-on-a-chip”. According to the researchers, the prototype’s data processing and memory circuits use less than electricity. It...
New platform puts data privacy in the hands of users

New platform lets users control their data privacy

A new study from MIT and Harvard researchers has developed a new platform to make sure that users could decide how their data are...