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How lead (maybe) caused the downfall of ancient Rome

Ancient Rome's emperors did some pretty bizarre stuff -- bursting into uncontrollable fits of laughter, appointing a horse as a priest, dressing in animal...

What is known about water may have just changed dramatically

Water is weird and yet so important. In fact, it is one of the most unusual molecules on Earth -- it boils at a temperature...

Why nuclear batteries offer a new approach to carbon-free energy

We may be on the brink of a new paradigm for nuclear power, a group of nuclear specialists suggested recently in The Bridge, the...

Sneeze cam reveals best fabric combos for cloth masks

During the COVID-19 pandemic, cloth face masks became a way to help protect yourself and others from the virus. And for some people, they became...

Scientists could now determine age of diamonds, and what made them

Diamonds are sometimes described as messengers from the deep Earth. Scientists study them closely for insights into the otherwise inaccessible depths from which they come. But...

Scientists find unprecedented mercury accumulation in Pacific Ocean trenches

A new study has revealed unprecedented amounts of highly toxic mercury are deposited in the deepest trenches of the Pacific Ocean. The study, a multi-national...

What is a calorie? Are food calories bulloney?

Did you know that the calorie labels on foods are only required to be accurate within 20%? That’s a pretty wide margin, but it exists...

How a tougher skin could change the shape of stealth aircraft

Stealth fighters and bombers are among the most expensive aircraft in the world, and they rely on a radar-absorbent polymer skin to avoid detection. But...

This compound in candles lights the way to grid-scale energy storage

A compound used widely in candles offers promise for a much more modern energy challenge—storing massive amounts of energy to be fed into the...

Opioid overdose deaths are rising. Can we make less addictive painkillers?

Opioids are the most powerful painkillers we have, but they’re incredibly addictive. Tens of thousands of people in the U.S. die of an opioid overdose...