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Scientists reveal the role of iron for life on Earth and beyond

Iron is an essential nutrient that almost all life requires to grow and thrive. Iron’s importance goes all the way back to the formation of...

Buying a home? Scientists find 55 dangerous chemicals in building materials

In a new study from the University of Michigan, researchers found many of the chemicals in a home's building materials—in the scent of new...

New nanotech could recover rare earth elements from electronic waste

Manufacturers rely on rare earth elements, like neodymium, to create strong magnets used in motors for electronics including hybrid cars, aircraft generators, loudspeakers, hard...

How oxygen masks brought down a plane

When oxygen masks drop from the airplane ceiling, they’re not connected to a big tank of gas. Instead, a chemical reaction supplies oxygen to passengers. But...

This jelly-like material could survive being run over by a car

Researchers have developed a jelly-like material that can withstand the equivalent of an elephant standing on it, and completely recover to its original shape,...

Scientists create new ultrahard diamond glass

It is the hardest known glass with the highest thermal conductivity among all glass materials. Scientists synthesized a new ultrahard form of carbon glass with...

New technique could improve conversion of carbon dioxide into fuels

Carbon dioxide (CO2), a product of burning fossil fuels and the most prevalent greenhouse gas, has the potential to be sustainably converted back into...

New anti-aging chemistry could overcome next-gen lithium battery decay

For high-voltage lithium batteries using layered transition metal oxide cathodes, the chemical degradation of the battery's electrolytes results in rapid decay of its capacity. This...

Bacteria maybe the future of oil spill and radioactive waste cleanup

Bacteria are often painted as our adversaries, but when it comes to oil spills, toxic chemicals, and radioactive waste, they could be what save...

New artificial material could sense, decide, and adapt to its environment

Scientists have developed an artificial material called a metamaterial that can respond to its environment, independently make a decision, and perform an action without...