Scientists find new way to turn waste coal into carbon fiber

Credit: University of Kentucky.

Have you ever wondered what happens to the leftover stuff when coal is mined?

In Kentucky, a state known for its coal production, researchers have found an amazing way to use this waste coal.

Instead of just piling it up, they’re turning it into valuable materials like carbon fiber and graphite.

This is a big deal for many reasons, including the environment, jobs, and the economy.

So, what exactly is this new discovery? Scientists at the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) have developed a special method.

They take the coal that’s usually thrown away because it’s not good enough for selling. Then they turn it into something super useful: carbon fiber.

Carbon fiber is a strong but light material that can be used in many things like cars, planes, and even renewable energy technologies like wind turbines. Graphite, another product they can make, is also widely used in batteries and electronics.

How do they do it? First, the researchers turn the waste coal into a filtered liquid.

From there, they transform this liquid into something called “mesophase pitch,” which is a type of liquid crystal. This can then be converted into high-quality carbon fiber or graphite powder. What’s really cool is that almost half of the new carbon fiber comes from the waste coal.

So why is this a big deal? For starters, it helps the environment. Instead of leaving waste coal lying around, it’s put to good use.

Second, carbon fiber and graphite are very important materials for a lot of industries. By making them cheaper and more easily available, this technology could boost various sectors, including transportation and renewable energy.

Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell is thrilled about this research. He says it’s great news for the coal industry and the workers who depend on it.

The project, called “C4WARD,” aims to improve this new method and make the production process even more efficient. The work is supported by the university and has also received backing from political leaders who see its value for both the state and the nation.

Rodney Andrews, who leads the CAER team, says this technology could create new jobs and economic opportunities in Kentucky, especially in communities where coal is a big deal.

University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto and other officials also praised the research, highlighting that it’s part of the university’s larger goal to address big challenges, like energy needs and new material technologies.

To sum it up, this groundbreaking research out of Kentucky is turning a waste product into something valuable.

It’s good for the planet, good for the economy, and good for the people who live and work in coal communities. It’s the kind of science that can make a real difference in our lives.

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