This softshell turtle lived alongside Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops
A newly described softshell turtle that lived in North Dakota 66.5 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period, just before the...
Why curbing calories could help slow aging?
More than 85 years ago, researchers at Cornell University observed that some lab rodents lived longer when fed a lower calorie diet that otherwise...
Why California squid were found in Alaska
As the name implies, California market squid are often sold in stores and typically found between Baja California and Monterey Bay.
So, the squid’s periodic...
Scientists find possible secret to longevity: hibernation
What if you were told there was a completely natural way to stop your body from aging?
The trick: You’d have to hibernate from September...
How Earth transformed from fiery ball to habitable planet
Researchers at Yale and Caltech have a bold new theory to explain how Earth transformed itself from a fiery, carbon-clouded ball of rocks into...
Scientists find five possible suicide genes
Every year, suicide takes the lives of more than 800,000 people worldwide.
It contributes to at least 15% of all global deaths due to injury.
Theses sunken ships are ideal habitat for reef-building corals
An hour and a half before sunrise on the morning of Feb. 17, 1944, 500 U.S. Navy Grumman Hellcats swarmed the Japanese base at...
Why did those birds crash and die?
You’ve probably seen the video — or at least heard some chirpings about it.
Footage from a security camera in Cuauhtémoc, a city in Chihuahua,...
No time to sleep is common in nature
A new study about wild baboons reveals that sacrificing sleep to meet pressing demands is common—and might even be part of our evolutionary history
Scientists find new way to predict unknow alien life
The only references we have for “life” are the forms we know on Earth.
Astrobiologists suspect that the search for alien life, and even for...