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How extreme conditions on Mars could support life

Many people might think that the search for life on Mars ended when NASA's first rovers sent back images of the planet's barren, harsh...

Tiger beetles outsmart bats with clever ultrasonic mimicry, shows study

Bats are the main predators of night-flying insects, using echolocation to hunt in the dark. Many insects, including moths, beetles, crickets, and grasshoppers, have evolved...

Jelly sea creatures could inspire efficient underwater robots

Scientists have discovered that colonies of gelatinous sea animals called salps swim in giant corkscrew shapes using a unique jet propulsion method. This unusual way...

Scientists discover how crucial life ingredient forms in space

A team of chemists from the University of Maryland has uncovered a new method to create carbenes, a class of highly reactive molecules essential...

Scientists discover key molecules for origins of life in space

A team of scientists at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa is making significant strides in understanding the early forms of life in the...

Earth’s ancient weak magnetic field may have fueled the rise of life

Millions of years ago, during a period called the Ediacaran, from about 635 to 541 million years ago, Earth experienced a dramatic increase in...

Scientists unlock the secret language of sperm whales with AI

For centuries, sperm whales have captivated our imagination with their sheer size and mysterious lives deep in the ocean. Despite advances in whale science, understanding...

Scientists discover the fountain of youth in blood cells

Blood-forming stem cells, known as hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), are essential for creating the billions of new blood cells our bodies need daily. These stem...

Space-grown crystals offer new insights into protein structures

Researchers have achieved a scientific breakthrough by growing protein crystals in space, which has provided new insights into the structures of proteins, particularly the...

A virus could transform wastewater from fracking into a resource

Every year, fracking in the Permian Basin produces an enormous amount of wastewater, around 168 billion gallons, posing a significant environmental challenge. This water is...