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Asteroid mining is a trillion-dollar space opportunity, shows study

A new opportunity for the future of space exploration and industry has emerged: asteroid mining. While astronomers recently discovered a 33-foot-long asteroid called 2024 PT5,...

A black hole has destroyed a star, and used the wreckage to pummel another...

When a supermassive black hole consumes a star, it doesn’t just swallow it whole. It shreds the star, ripping it apart bit by bit...

How did Mars become uninhabitable

Mars has captured our imagination for centuries. Ever since the invention of the telescope our imagination has often drifted toward the possibility of life on...

A new way to detect rocky exoplanet atmospheres

The total number of exoplanets discovered to date totals 5,288. Among them are a host of rocky, Earth-like exoplanets but none of them seem...

Why red dwarfs form massive planets

In recent years, the number of known extrasolar planets (aka. exoplanets) has grown exponentially. To date, 5,799 exoplanets have been confirmed in 4,310 star systems,...

TESS finds a triple star system that could fit within Mercury’s orbit

TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has been on the lookout for alien worlds since 2018. It has just hit the news again having identified...

Astronomers discover dozens of fast-moving stars ejected from a young star cluster

Astronomers have made an exciting discovery: 55 fast-moving stars that were thrown out of a young star cluster called R136. This star cluster is located...

This black hole destroys a star and targets another

Astronomers have made a fascinating discovery: a supermassive black hole destroyed a star and is now using the debris from that star to smash...

Asteroids may have delivered ingredients for life to Earth

A team of scientists from different countries has found new evidence that asteroids may have delivered the essential ingredients for life to Earth. Their study,...

Scientists discover a “steam world” with a water-rich atmosphere in the Constellation Pisces

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an international team led by Canadian scientists has discovered fascinating new details about the atmosphere of GJ...