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These stellar fireworks celebrate birth of giant star cluster

Astronomers created a stunning new image showing celestial fireworks in star cluster G286.21+0.17. Most stars in the universe, including our Sun, were born in massive...

Scientists discover a massive ice giant exoplanet

In our solar system, the “ice giants” Neptune and Uranus are far less dense than rocky Venus and Earth. But astrophysicists on NASA’s TESS...

Scientists discover two strongly interacting exoplanets from Earth

Several interacting exoplanets have already been spotted by satellites. But a new breakthrough has been achieved with, for the first time, the detection directly from...

Scientists discover the first exposed planetary core

The newly discovered exoplanet TOI 849 b offers the unique opportunity to peer inside the interior of a planet and learn about its composition. It...

Asteroid impact, not volcanoes, caused the dinosaur extinction, says study

Modelling of the Chicxulub asteroid impact 66 million years ago shows it created a world largely unsuitable for dinosaurs to live in. The asteroid, which...

Scientists detect black hole swallows much smaller mysterious object

In August of 2019, the LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave network witnessed the merger of a black hole with 23 times the mass of our sun and...

Scientists discover a monster black hole in the early universe

Astronomers have discovered the most massive quasar known in the early universe, containing a monster black hole with a mass equivalent to 1.5 billion...

Black hole collision may have exploded with light

When two black holes spiral around each other and ultimately collide, they send out ripples in space and time called gravitational waves. Because black holes...

Scientists discover an infant exoplanet around a nearby young star

Astronomers study stars and planets much younger than the Sun to learn about past events that shaped the Solar System and Earth. Most of these...

Scientists find mystery object in the ‘mass gap’ between neutron stars and black holes

When the most massive stars die, they collapse under their own gravity and leave behind black holes. When stars that are a bit less massive...