Black Hole

Scientists map dynamic black hole with light echoes

Although most black holes are too small on the sky for us to resolve their immediate surroundings, we can explore these mysterious objects by...

Scientists capture the turbulent life of two supermassive black holes in galaxy crash

400 million light-years away from Earth, in the constellation of Ophiuchus, two galaxies are crashing into each other and forming a galaxy we know...

Black hole outburst provides new insight into galaxy cluster evolution

Billions of years ago, in the center of a galaxy cluster far, far away (15 billion light-years, to be exact), a black hole spewed...

Science’s 2019 breakthrough of the year: The first image of a black hole

Scientists have obtained the first image of a black hole, using Event Horizon Telescope observations of the center of the galaxy M87. The image...

Scientists find new way to “weigh” supermassive black holes

Supermassive black holes are the largest black holes, with masses that can exceed a billion Suns. Just this spring, the first-ever image of the supermassive...

How do black holes and neutron stars shine bright?

For decades, scientists have speculated about the origin of the electromagnetic radiation emitted from celestial regions that host black holes and neutron stars--the most...

Scientists discover rare supermassive black hole

Our Milky Way Galaxy is estimated to contain 100 million stellar black holes - cosmic bodies formed by the collapse of massive stars and...

Thousands of planets may be around a supermassive black hole

"I have seen the dark universe yawning, Where the black planets roll without aim; Where they roll in their horror unheeding, without knowledge or lustre or...

Milky Way’s big black hole hurls star to infinity and beyond

An international study has discovered a star travelling at more than six million km/h through the Milky Way after being flung from the centre...

Scientists find better way to detect stellar-mass black hole collision in the Universe

Scientists at The Australian National University (ANU) have found a way to better detect all collisions of stellar-mass black holes in the Universe. Stellar-mass black...