We know that a healthy lifestyle includes a healthy diet, regular exercise and good sleep.
The three components work together to protect our health.
But is one component more important than the other two?
Diet is essential to maintaining health, but there are too many recommendations about how to have a healthy diet.
Experts suggest people pay attention to small changes to improve their diet. For example, simply reducing the amount of sugar-loaded drinks one drinks can greatly improve health.
People should also avoid some foods, such as fast foods, cheeses or pizza, and other foods that contain too much salt, sugar and saturated fats.
These types of foods disrupt the internal timing of the body clocks by shifting their settings and essentially making them experience jet lag.
Physical activity may be the more difficult component to maintain because it requires lots of time and effort.
People easily get discouraged and often give up when they cannot see obvious effects from their exercise.
However, experts suggest people should evaluate results based on what type of exercise goals they have, whether it was to be healthier, lose weight or get stronger for performance.
It is important that you can start feeling better and notice you are getting stronger after a couple of weeks.
For those who want to lose weight, it will take months to achieve the goal.
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of intense exercise every week.
Importantly, you should alternate aerobic and resistance exercises to keep the entire body fit.
If you try a high-intensity workout, doing it later in the evening may make it difficult to sleep.
But according to researchers, any exercise is better than no exercising at all.
Experts suggest healthy adults get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Good night sleep plays a major role in regulating our internal body clocks, which regulate sleep-wake schedules, metabolism and immune responses.
Researchers suggest that as long as a person is consistently going to sleep within the same hour or two each night, the body will be able maintain its schedule more efficiently.
People easily neglect sleep, and when sleep is compromised, it doesn’t allow people to mentally, emotionally and physically recover, which commonly holds people back from being all they can be.
It is known that when we are sleep-deprived, it is difficult to maintain a healthy diet or get enough exercise.
Which one is more important to our health?
Research shows that ratio analysis of the health implications of the three would be 60-30-10, sleep, diet and exercise respectively.
How we organize our bodies in time is critical to our health. This consists of how our internal body clocks are regulating our sleep-wake cycles and how mealtimes fall and what energy we have for exercise.
We are biologically designed to be active, but we can’t be active unless we eat properly and get plenty of sleep.
Given that sleep is the most neglected, regular sleep-wake times may prove quite beneficial to your health and get you back on track with your health goals.
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