The Netflix show ’13 Reasons Why’ has season 2 now.
Although the show is about teenagers’ life, it is not relaxing, funny or easy to watch. On the contrary, the plot is quite intensive even for adults.
Although the show is fictive, the problems that the young characters encountered are quite real.
Sometimes, adolescents’ life can be tough and difficult, and they are not mature enough to deal with it. One of the worst consequences of this is they hurt themselves and eventually end their lives.
According to American Psychiatric Association, mental problems like depression may affect up to 25% of teens before they enter adulthood.
Suicide is the second leading cause of the death in 15-24 years old people. The first leading cause of death is accidents.
This requires parents and other family members, teachers and friends to be alert about the warning signs of teen suicide.
One warning sign is feelings of hopelessness. If a teen talks about his/her life negatively or in a depressing way, you should pay attention.
If they are overwhelmed thinking about continuing to live, it is time to get help.
The second warning sign is polarized thinking. This means the teens has belief that things are only black and white, good or bad, all or nothing. This could lead him/her to think suicide is the only option.
The third warning sign is losing interest in activities. A teen may stop doing what s/he loves before for no particular reason. S/he may stop hanging out with friends and becomes more inactive.
The fourth warning sign is that the teen suffers from insomnia, anxiety and panic. S/he may also show reckless behavior, aggression and drug or alcohol abuse.
The fifth warning sign is the teen talks about death and having no reason to live. S/he may also visit loved ones and say goodbye.
You should take note and immediate action if the teen talks about a specific plan to carry out his/her death.
If you worry that a teen’s behaviors showing suicide signs, don’t ignore the signs. Let him/her know that you care and want to help.
Try to talk about the issues in a safe space. You may need to seek professional guidance.
Encourage s/he to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or use the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741.
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