Fiber in foods could help prevent high blood pressure

Credit: Engin Akyurt/ Unsplash.

In a study from Monash University, scientists found that dietary fiber, particularly fiber that’s prebiotic, could prevent the development of high blood pressure.

They found that when mice are fed these short-chain fatty acids directly, their blood pressure lowers, and their heart health improves.

One hundred million micro-organisms live within our gut, influencing our metabolism, our immune system, and possibly even our mental health.

Prebiotic fiber resists digestion until it reaches the large intestine, where it feeds those bacteria that are considered to have health benefits.

The team currently is testing if a high-fiber diet can bring blood pressure into a healthy range. They are giving people a diet that is high in fiber.

The participants will also be given a placebo. Twice a day for three weeks, all participants will be given food including muffins, frittatas, and arancini balls, all developed by a research chef.

The meals have been tested to eliminate any difference in taste between those meals that are metabolite-enriched and those that are not.

Twelve men and women with untreated high blood pressure are already taking part in a three-week trial.

The team says If the new results are positive in the trial, people can try to reduce high blood pressure in more natural ways.

If you care about nutrition, please read studies about how diets could help lower high blood pressure, and 4 types of eating disorders you need to know.

For more information about nutrition, please see recent studies that green tea could strongly reduce blood pressure, and results showing people with diabetes should consider taking this vitamin.

The study was conducted by Dr. Francine Marques et al.

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