Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, may have received organic material from space, according to new research.
Scientists believe asteroids from the outer asteroid belt could have brought these important compounds to the dwarf planet’s surface.
In a study published in AGU Advances, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) used data from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft to explore the origin of organic material on Ceres.
For the first time, they used artificial intelligence to analyze the spacecraft’s observations, revealing new insights into how these compounds might have arrived.
Ceres is a fascinating world with a mix of characteristics from both the inner and outer solar system.
It is known for its cryovolcanism—where salty water, or brine, seeps from its interior to the surface.
Initially, scientists thought this cryovolcanism might be responsible for the organic material discovered on the surface. However, the new study suggests otherwise.
Organic material, which includes carbon-based compounds essential for life, was first detected on Ceres during the Dawn mission, which studied the dwarf planet from 2015 to 2018.
The study focused on aliphatic hydrocarbons, chain-like molecules that reflect light in unique ways.
Using AI, the team identified new patches of organic material on Ceres, mostly around the large Ernutet crater in the northern hemisphere.
Surprisingly, the researchers found no evidence of volcanic or tectonic activity at the sites where organic material was discovered.
This ruled out the idea that the compounds came from inside Ceres. Instead, the team believes the material likely came from asteroids that collided with the dwarf planet.
Computer models show that asteroids from the outer asteroid belt, which often collide with Ceres, move at relatively slow speeds. These gentle impacts produce little heat, allowing organic material to survive the collision.
Although Dawn couldn’t detect all types of organic compounds, scientists think it’s possible that Ceres’s underground ocean also created some building blocks of life. A future lander mission could help confirm this by analyzing material from below the surface.
The discovery of organic material on Ceres helps scientists understand how life-friendly compounds might have spread throughout the solar system. Ceres’s unique position and history make it a valuable target for future exploration, with the potential to reveal more about the origins of life and the solar system’s evolution.
Source: Max Planck Society.