How to position yourself during a heart attack

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A heart attack can be a terrifying experience, not just for the person having it but for anyone nearby. Knowing what to do in this emergency can make a big difference while waiting for help.

Although calling emergency services should always be the first step, understanding how to position yourself or someone else during a heart attack is crucial. Proper positioning can ease the strain on the heart and provide some comfort until medical help arrives.

The Best Position During a Heart Attack

The main goal during a heart attack is to reduce stress on the heart as much as possible. Experts recommend sitting in a slightly reclined position with the back supported and the knees bent.

This posture allows gravity to help blood circulation, making it easier for the heart to pump blood throughout the body. Sitting up rather than lying down is preferred because lying flat puts more pressure on the heart.

A simple and effective way to position yourself is to sit on the ground, leaning against a wall or a sturdy piece of furniture. Bend your knees and keep your head and shoulders supported. This position reduces the workload on the heart and can bring a sense of calm during a frightening event.

What to Avoid During a Heart Attack

While positioning yourself correctly is important, there are also certain things you should avoid:

  • Don’t lie down flat: Lying flat makes the heart work harder to circulate blood. Sitting up is better because it reduces strain on the heart.
  • Avoid physical activity: Walking around or doing any physical tasks can put more pressure on the heart, which is not what you need during a heart attack. Try to stay still and calm.
  • Don’t ignore the pain: Some people may try to “tough it out” and avoid calling for help. However, delaying action can make things worse. If you think you’re having a heart attack, call emergency services immediately.
  • Don’t eat or drink: Although it might seem like a good idea to drink water or take medication like aspirin, only do this if advised by a medical professional over the phone. Misdiagnosis could lead to complications.
  • Ignore myths like cough CPR: There’s a myth that coughing hard during a heart attack can help, but this is false and potentially dangerous. The best thing to do is stay calm and wait for help.

Why Proper Positioning Matters

These tips aren’t treatments but simple actions that can help make the situation a little more manageable until professionals arrive.

The moments during and immediately after a heart attack are critical. Proper positioning, along with avoiding harmful actions, can potentially improve the outcome.

In summary, if you or someone else is having a heart attack, sit in a supported, slightly reclined position with knees bent, and wait for help to arrive.

Avoid lying flat, doing physical activity, or delaying the call for emergency help. Knowing these steps can help you stay calm and take the right actions in a crisis, possibly saving a life.

If you care about heart health, please read studies that vitamin K helps cut heart disease risk by a third, and a year of exercise reversed worrisome heart failure.

For more information about heart health, please see recent studies about supplements that could help prevent heart disease, stroke, and results showing this food ingredient may strongly increase heart disease death risk.

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