Scientists find a hidden cause of obesity

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Obesity has been growing as a global issue since 1975. The World Health Organization says the number of overweight people has nearly tripled since then.

We’ve blamed fatty foods, sugary snacks, and not getting enough exercise. But what if something invisible is also to blame?

Barbara E. Corkey, a scientist, believes certain chemicals, called obesogens, might be making us gain weight. These chemicals can interfere with how our bodies handle fat.

They’ve been around for the last 50 years, showing up in our food, water, and even the air we breathe.

Corkey thinks obesogens might trick our bodies into storing more fat or make us feel hungry when we’re not. She mentions the “redox state,” an internal signal that helps us know when we need more energy or when we have too much. If obesogens mess up this signal, we might gain weight without a clear reason.

These chemicals might be in ultra-processed foods like chips or candy. Research shows that people who eat a lot of these foods often weigh more. Obesogens can also come from chemicals in fertilizers, plastics, and air pollution.

If Corkey’s idea is correct, it could change how we treat obesity. Right now, solutions focus on eating less and moving more. But if chemicals are making us gain weight, we need to rethink our approach.

The first step would be to identify these obesogens and find ways to remove them from our environment. If that’s too hard, we need to find ways to counteract their effects on our bodies.

This theory is still being reviewed. Corkey’s findings have been published in a scientific journal, so other experts can now test her ideas. If obesogens are proven to be a significant factor in weight gain, it could change how we fight obesity.

As we continue to battle obesity, looking at hidden chemicals could be a game-changer. The next time you struggle with weight, remember that it might not just be about what you eat or how much you exercise.

Hidden chemicals in our environment could also be making it harder to lose weight. Keep an eye on further research—it might hold the key to a healthier future.

If you care about weight loss, please read studies that avocado could help you lose weight and belly fat, and a keto diet for weight loss can cause flu-like symptoms.

For more information about health, please see recent studies about unhealthy plant-based diets linked to metabolic syndrome, and these antioxidants could help reduce dementia risk.

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