Common constipation drug linked to higher dementia risk

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Laxatives are medications that help people relieve constipation when lifestyle changes like eating more fiber, drinking plenty of fluids, and exercising haven’t worked.

However, a study from the Chinese Academy of Sciences has found that regular use of laxatives may significantly increase the risk of developing dementia.

The study used data from 502,229 people in the UK Biobank database, all of whom did not have dementia at the beginning of the study.

Out of this group, 18,235 people (or 3.6%) reported using over-the-counter laxatives regularly. Regular use was defined as using a laxative most days of the week during the month before the study began.

Over an average follow-up period of 10 years, 218 of those who regularly used laxatives (1.3%) developed dementia. In contrast, 1,969 people who did not regularly use laxatives (0.4%) developed dementia.

After considering factors such as age, sex, education, other illnesses, medication use, and family history of dementia, researchers found that regular laxative users had a 51% higher risk of developing dementia compared to those who did not use laxatives regularly.

The study also found that those who used only osmotic laxatives, which attract water to the colon to soften stools, had an even greater risk.

Other types of laxatives include bulk-forming, stool-softening, and stimulating laxatives. It’s important to note that this study shows an association, not causation, meaning it doesn’t prove that laxatives directly cause dementia.

One possible explanation for this link is that regular laxative use might alter the gut microbiome, potentially affecting nerve signaling from the gut to the brain or increasing the production of intestinal toxins that may impact the brain.

The study highlights that constipation and laxative use are common among middle-aged and older individuals.

However, the regular use of over-the-counter laxatives, especially multiple types or osmotic laxatives, was associated with a higher dementia risk. It’s noteworthy that osmotic and stimulant laxatives are not recommended for regular use, yet some people use them frequently.

Steps to Reduce Dementia Risk

While there is no sure way to prevent dementia, certain lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk. Here are some steps to consider:

Stay Mentally and Socially Active: Engaging in activities like reading, solving puzzles, and socializing can keep the brain active and lower dementia risk.

Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity benefits brain health and may help reduce dementia risk.

Eat a Healthy Diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats supports brain health. The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes plant-based foods, fish, and healthy fats, is particularly beneficial.

Manage Chronic Conditions: Conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol can increase dementia risk. Managing these through medication and lifestyle changes can help.

Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night, as adequate sleep is crucial for brain health.

Reduce Stress: Chronic stress is linked to an increased risk of dementia. Managing stress through exercise, meditation, or therapy can help.

Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Use: Both smoking and excessive alcohol use are linked to higher dementia risk. Quitting smoking and moderating alcohol consumption can reduce this risk.

Incorporating these lifestyle changes can significantly impact brain health and reduce dementia risk. Although these steps may not completely eliminate the risk, they can improve overall well-being and brain health.

For those interested in further information, studies have shown that Vitamin B9 deficiency is linked to a higher dementia risk, and consuming flavonoid-rich foods might help prevent dementia. Recent research also suggests that cranberries can boost memory, and certain antioxidants could reduce dementia risk.

The study mentioned was conducted by Feng Sha et al. and published in Neurology.

If you care about dementia, please read studies about the power of healthy fats for brain health, and  wild blueberries can benefit your heart and brain..

For more health information, please see recent studies about how eating nuts can affect your cognitive ability ,and brain foods nourish your mind to outsmart dementia.

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