A groundbreaking study from MedStar Georgetown University Hospital has unveiled a non-surgical treatment that significantly reduces knee pain, particularly benefiting those aged 50 and older.
The treatment, known as genicular nerve radiofrequency ablation, offers a promising alternative for managing knee pain associated with osteoarthritis.
The study focused on 36 patients, analyzing various factors such as age, gender, body mass index, history of prior surgery, and history of fibromyalgia to determine their influence on pain reduction.
The results were compelling, showing that all participants experienced a notable decrease in pain, with the most substantial improvements observed in older individuals.
Genicular nerve radiofrequency ablation is performed by interventional radiologists using image guidance to precisely place probe needles adjacent to the knee nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals to the brain.
These probes generate radio waves that create heat to dull or destroy the pain-transmitting nerve endings. Importantly, the nerves targeted by this procedure do not control muscle movement or affect balance, which enhances the safety of the treatment.
One of the notable advantages of this method is its minimally invasive nature. Patients can leave the procedure with just Band-Aids rather than stitches, and the effects of the treatment can last anywhere from six months to two years, depending on individual cases.
This treatment not only alleviates pain but also enhances functionality, allowing individuals to engage more actively in daily activities and enjoy a higher quality of life.
The simplicity and efficacy of the procedure make it an attractive option for those seeking alternatives to more invasive surgical interventions.
The research team, led by Kaitlin Carrato, presented their findings at the Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting, highlighting the potential for this procedure to change the way knee pain is treated.
They are also conducting long-term studies to further explore factors that may predict the effectiveness of this treatment.
Beyond treating knee pain, this technique is also applied to other areas such as the shoulders, hips, and sacroiliac joints, expanding its potential benefits across various common pain points.
The significance of this study is not just in its immediate findings but also in its contribution to broader pain management practices, offering hope and improved mobility to many who suffer from chronic knee pain.
As research continues, this treatment may become a cornerstone in the non-surgical management of osteoarthritis and other related conditions, promising a pain-free and active lifestyle for aging populations.
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