Common blood pressure drug may harm your sleep

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Sleep is essential for our health and well-being, yet many adults, especially in the United States, struggle to get enough rest.

With about one-third of adults experiencing sleep deprivation, it’s important to understand how medications might affect sleep.

A recent study from the Berlin Institute of Health has provided new insights into the impact of beta-blockers, a common medication for high blood pressure, on sleep.

Beta-blockers are used to manage various heart conditions by slowing down the heart rate, reducing the heart’s workload, and lowering blood pressure. They are prescribed for heart failure, arrhythmias, chest pain, and high blood pressure.

Despite their widespread use, there has been concern that beta-blockers might cause psychological side effects such as depression, anxiety, drowsiness, insomnia, hallucinations, and nightmares.

To investigate these concerns, researchers analyzed data from over 50,000 individuals across 258 studies, most of which focused on the treatment of high blood pressure.

The study’s findings challenge the previous assumption that beta-blockers are likely to cause depression. The data showed that depression was not more common in those taking beta-blockers compared to other treatments or placebos.

Additionally, the rate at which people stopped taking beta-blockers due to depression was similar to that of other treatments.

However, the study did find a link between beta-blockers and sleep disturbances. Patients on beta-blocker therapy reported unusual dreams, insomnia, and other sleep disorders more frequently than those not on the medication.

Despite these sleep-related issues, the most common reason for discontinuing beta-blockers was fatigue or tiredness.

These findings suggest that while beta-blockers are generally safe concerning psychological health, they may have some impact on sleep.

This is important information for both healthcare providers and patients, especially for those already struggling with sleep issues. The research indicates that concerns about beta-blockers causing depression should not deter their use.

However, patients and doctors should be aware of the potential for sleep disturbances and discuss any sleep-related symptoms that arise during treatment.

The study, led by Reinhold Kreutz and colleagues and published in the journal Hypertension, contributes to a better understanding of the side effects of beta-blockers. It helps in making informed decisions about their use in treating cardiovascular diseases.

The researchers’ work highlights the importance of considering both the physical and mental health impacts of medications, particularly how they might affect essential aspects of well-being like sleep.

In conclusion, while beta-blockers remain an effective treatment for heart-related conditions, it’s crucial for patients and healthcare providers to be mindful of their potential impact on sleep.

By addressing sleep disturbances early, patients can manage their heart health without compromising their overall quality of life.

Understanding these side effects allows for a more balanced approach to treatment, ensuring that both the benefits and the drawbacks of beta-blockers are carefully weighed in managing cardiovascular diseases.

If you care about high blood pressure, please read studies that early time-restricted eating could help improve blood pressure, and natural coconut sugar could help reduce blood pressure and artery stiffness.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies about added sugar in your diet linked to higher blood pressure, and results showing vitamin D could improve blood pressure in people with diabetes.

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