Scientists find a new way to treat ADHD

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Recent research has shed new light on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), revealing the deep and diverse effects it has on mental and physical health, as well as its broader social implications.

This discovery underscores the need for a comprehensive treatment approach to manage the disorder effectively.

A thorough analysis conducted by specialists at the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University reviewed over 125 previous studies.

Their findings, which were published in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, stress the importance of a better understanding of ADHD, which could lead to more specific help and better outcomes for those with the disorder.

The study points out several mental health issues commonly seen in people with ADHD. These include a higher likelihood of addiction, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, mood swings, and personality disorders.

Recognizing these issues is crucial for developing specific support tailored to the needs of those affected.

Physical health problems are also notably higher among individuals with ADHD. These include obesity, sleep issues, poor oral health, frequent injuries, and chronic illnesses. This highlights the need for care that considers both mental and physical health together.

ADHD is characterized by three main symptoms: hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. It affects approximately 5% of the UK population, including one child per classroom and 3% of adults, influencing virtually every aspect of their lives such as family, school, work, and personal relationships.

Statistics show that people with ADHD are 60% more likely to divorce, 30% more likely to commit suicide, and 35% more likely to have accidents.

The research also explored how ADHD affects society. It is linked with higher rates of criminal behavior, challenges in employment, lower educational achievements, and poorer quality of life. Individuals with ADHD often engage in riskier behaviors and have trouble maintaining relationships.

The lead researcher, Dr. Blandine French, has a unique perspective on ADHD, having been diagnosed with the disorder as an adult.

Her previous career in the hospitality industry as a restaurant manager and her personal experiences have enriched her understanding of how ADHD impacts learning and lifestyle, prompting her to pursue higher education.

Dr. French advocates for a shift in how we view and treat ADHD. She calls for a broad approach that goes beyond just managing symptoms to include mental health, physical health, and societal factors.

She emphasizes that understanding the full scope of ADHD’s impact is critical for developing effective interventions and providing better care.

In response to these needs, NHS England has initiated a task force to enhance services for people with ADHD. This task force aims to create a more integrated care strategy that includes education, healthcare, and the criminal justice system.

Dr. French is hopeful that the task force will lead to improved care and support for individuals with ADHD.

She suggests that more awareness among healthcare providers about the physical risks associated with ADHD could prompt families to seek help earlier for these less commonly known issues.

Professor David Daley, another key figure in this research, stresses the importance of prioritizing ADHD assessment and treatment, given the extensive challenges those with the disorder face.

This comprehensive research not only brings to light the multi-faceted impacts of ADHD but also calls for a transformative approach to how we provide care, aiming for a future where those with ADHD can receive the multifaceted support they truly need.

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The research findings can be found in Frontiers in Psychiatry.

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