How to boost liver and kidney health with dietary supplements

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Maintaining the health of your liver and kidneys is crucial for overall well-being. These organs play vital roles in your body, from detoxifying harmful substances to filtering blood and removing waste.

While a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are the foundations for good liver and kidney function, many people also turn to dietary supplements to support these organs.

This review will explore what research says about various supplements and their effectiveness in promoting liver and kidney health.

First, it’s essential to understand that the liver processes everything we ingest, including food, drinks, and supplements. Its job is to detoxify substances that could be harmful to the body.

The kidneys help to filter out waste from the blood and regulate body fluids and electrolytes. Keeping these organs in good shape can prevent diseases and improve your quality of life.

One of the most well-known supplements for liver health is milk thistle, also known as silymarin. Milk thistle has been used for centuries to treat liver problems.

Studies suggest that silymarin can protect the liver by promoting the growth of new liver cells and preventing liver toxins from causing damage. However, while some studies show benefits, others find minimal effects, so more consistent research is needed to confirm these findings.

Another popular supplement is turmeric, specifically its active component curcumin. Curcumin is praised for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Research indicates that curcumin may help reduce liver inflammation and can protect against liver injury. It is thought to suppress the cellular processes that lead to inflammation and damage in the liver.

For kidney health, many turn to cranberry extract. Cranberries are well-known for their role in preventing urinary tract infections, which can sometimes lead to kidney infections if not treated properly.

Cranberry works by preventing bacteria from adhering to the bladder and urinary tract walls, thus reducing infection risk and potential kidney damage.

Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish oil supplements, are another option considered beneficial for both liver and kidney health. These fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

For the liver, omega-3s can help reduce the amount of fat and inflammation. For the kidneys, omega-3s may help improve blood flow and reduce damage caused by conditions like diabetes, which is a major risk factor for kidney disease.

Vitamin D is another crucial supplement, especially for individuals with kidney disease. The kidneys convert vitamin D into a form that the body can use.

In people with kidney disease, this process is often impaired. Supplementing with vitamin D can help manage mineral and bone disorders that often accompany kidney disease.

While these supplements may offer benefits, it’s important to approach them with caution. Supplements are not regulated by the FDA with the same strict standards as medications, which means their purity and potency can vary widely between brands.

Additionally, some supplements can interact with medications and may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with pre-existing liver or kidney conditions.

It’s also essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health issues or are taking other medications.

Your doctor can help you understand potential interactions and side effects and recommend the appropriate dosage and products.

In conclusion, while dietary supplements can support liver and kidney health, they should not replace conventional health measures like a balanced diet, regular exercise, and medical check-ups.

Supplements can be a helpful addition for some people, but they are best used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. By staying informed and cautious, you can make the best choices for your liver and kidney health.

If you care about kidney health, please read studies about pesticide linked to chronic kidney disease, and this drug may prevent kidney failure in people with diabetes.

For more information about kidney health, please see recent studies about drug duo that may treat kidney failure, and results showing these vegetables may protect against kidney damage.

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