MIT develops a new weight loss pill to help you feel full

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Imagine sitting down to a big meal and feeling full after just a few bites. This isn’t about losing your appetite but about a clever trick to help you eat less without feeling hungry. Scientists have been exploring how our stomachs tell our brains when we’re full.

Normally, when we eat a lot, our stomach stretches, and this stretching sends a message to our brain saying, “Hey, I’m full, stop eating!” Even drinking a glass of water can make us feel a bit fuller because it stretches the stomach too.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have come up with a unique idea to make us feel full without eating much. They’ve created a tiny pill that you can swallow. Once it’s in your stomach, it starts to vibrate.

These vibrations fool your stomach into thinking it’s stretching more than it is. So, your stomach sends those “I’m full” messages to your brain, even if you haven’t eaten much.

In tests with animals, taking this pill 20 minutes before eating made them eat about 40% less food. This could be a big deal for people trying to lose weight or control their appetite.

The pill works by targeting the same signals that naturally make us feel full, potentially making it a safer option compared to other weight loss drugs or surgeries.

The pill is quite small, about the size of a multivitamin, and it’s powered by a tiny battery. When it reaches the stomach, it’s activated by the stomach’s acid. This makes the pill vibrate, which then activates the stretch receptors in the stomach walls.

These receptors send signals to the brain, which responds by releasing hormones that make us feel full. The animals in the study also gained less weight when they were given the vibrating pill, showing it could be an effective way to manage weight.

This pill offers a new approach to weight loss and appetite control. Unlike dieting, which can be hard to stick to, or surgery, which can be risky, this pill is a simple, non-invasive option.

The scientists behind this invention hope it can be made affordably, making it accessible to more people, including those in poorer countries who might not have access to expensive treatments.

The next steps for the researchers are to figure out how to make these pills on a larger scale and test them in humans. They want to ensure the pill is safe and find out the best timing for taking it before meals.

If successful, this vibrating pill could be a revolutionary way to help people control their weight and improve their health without needing to undergo surgery or take expensive drugs.

If you care about weight loss, please read studies that hop extract could reduce belly fat in overweight people, and early time-restricted eating could help lose weight .

For more information about weight loss, please see recent studies that Mediterranean diet can reduce belly fat much better, and Keto diet could help control body weight and blood sugar in diabetes.

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