A prehistoric cosmic airburst sheds light on ancient artifacts

Credit: UC Santa Barbara.

About 13,000 years ago, a huge comet broke apart and crashed into Earth’s atmosphere.

This event wasn’t just a spectacular light show; it caused massive fires, led to a chilling “impact winter,” and even resulted in the extinction of large animals like mammoths and saber-toothed cats.

It also marked the end of the Clovis culture in the Americas and sparked the beginning of farming in the Levant.

Recently, scientists have discovered that this ancient cosmic crash is also helping archaeologists date old stone tools and artifacts.

In a study published in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers explain how this event, known as the Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) layer, left behind specific clues in the ground, like high levels of platinum and tiny, iron-rich balls formed from the intense heat of the comet’s impact.

These clues act like a historical marker, helping scientists figure out how old different layers of earth and the artifacts buried within them are.

This discovery has been particularly helpful in places like Wakulla Springs in northern Florida. This area has a long history of people living there, but because of the shifting sands and lack of preserved carbon, dating old tools and objects has been tough.

Traditional methods like radiocarbon dating weren’t possible here. But the YDB layer offers a new way to pinpoint the age of these artifacts.

The comet fragments hit the Earth with such force that they melted metals and minerals, adding unusual elements to the sediment.

By identifying this layer in the ground, archaeologists can more accurately estimate the age of surrounding objects.

This method has been used to study stone tools at various sites in Florida, revealing more about the cultures that made them.

The research team used several techniques, including platinum testing and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, to study sediment layers.

OSL dating works by measuring the energy stored in minerals like quartz and feldspar, which releases when exposed to sunlight.

This helps estimate when the sediment was last exposed to light. Although OSL dating can be imprecise, finding the YDB layer provided a more exact date to work with.

At about a meter below the surface, the team found evidence of the comet’s impact, including the iron-rich balls and high levels of platinum.

This confirmed the presence of the YDB layer, which is consistently dated to about 12,800 years ago at many sites. This finding allows for more precise dating of the artifacts and a better understanding of the sequence of human cultures in the area.

Thanks to this cosmic event, archaeologists can now more accurately date sequences of stone tools, sorting them into periods before, during, and after the comet’s impact. This breakthrough helps paint a clearer picture of human history in regions where dating was previously challenging.

The discovery of the YDB layer is a significant step forward in archaeology, offering a new lens through which to view our ancient past.