Scientists find way to improve Alzheimer’s diagnosis and treatment

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Alzheimer’s disease has long been a puzzle in the medical world. Scientists have known that it involves the buildup of two proteins, amyloid-beta (Aβ) and tau, in the brain.

These proteins are believed to play a key role in the gradual decline of brain functions in Alzheimer’s patients.

However, the exact way these proteins interact and affect the brain has remained largely a mystery.

Most studies have focused on amyloid-beta alone, without fully exploring its interaction with tau in Alzheimer’s patients.

Recent research led by Gustavo Patow, in collaboration with several universities and research centers, offers new insights into this interaction.

Their findings, published in the journal Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, are a significant step towards better understanding, diagnosing, and treating Alzheimer’s.

Patow, affiliated with the Visualization, Virtual Reality, and Graphics Interaction (ViRVIG) group at the University of Girona and the Computational Neuroscience group at the UPF Center for Brain and Cognition (CBC), along with his co-researchers, used advanced computational methods to study Alzheimer’s.

These methods, known as ‘in-silico’ simulations, allow scientists to explore the disease in ways that aren’t possible with real patients. By simulating the disease’s progression, they can test hypotheses and gain new insights.

Gustavo Deco, director of the Computational Neuroscience group at the CBC and a co-author of the study, highlights the importance of mathematical and computational tools in understanding Alzheimer’s. These tools help analyze the disease’s progression and potential strategies to combat its effects.

The team employed whole-brain modeling techniques to investigate how amyloid-beta and tau proteins influence the brain’s behavior.

This approach helped them understand how these proteins affect different brain regions in both healthy individuals and those with Alzheimer’s, using mathematical tools and operations.

Their research revealed that in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, amyloid-beta protein has the most significant impact.

As the disease progresses, the tau protein becomes more influential. Both proteins disrupt the balance of neuronal activity, contributing to cognitive decline in patients.

Previously, it was known that Alzheimer’s patients experience an imbalance in neuronal activity, particularly in the early stages, leading to cortical activity impairment and cognitive decline.

This imbalance had been observed in animal studies and post-mortem human samples, but evidence in living humans was lacking.

The challenge in studying this aspect in living patients is that neuroimaging techniques can’t directly measure neuronal activity.

However, the whole-brain modeling techniques used in this study succeeded in measuring the impact of both proteins on this imbalance, using mathematical and computational simulations.

This research utilized data from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative database, which includes subjects aged 55 to 90 years with Alzheimer’s.

The findings not only deepen our understanding of Alzheimer’s but also open new avenues for developing biomarkers and therapies to diagnose and treat the disease more effectively.

In conclusion, this study represents a promising advance in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

It sheds light on the complex roles of amyloid-beta and tau proteins in the disease’s progression and offers hope for future research aimed at alleviating the burden of this debilitating condition.

The research findings can be found in Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy.

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