Manganese may help reverse heart disease

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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), primarily caused by the buildup of lipid deposits or plaques in blood vessels, remain the leading cause of death globally.

This condition, known as atherosclerosis, can result in heart attacks or strokes when the plaques rupture and clot blood vessels. A key factor in developing CVDs is dyslipidemia, where there’s an excessive amount of harmful lipids in the blood.

Despite widespread use of lipid-lowering medications like statins, these treatments have historically been unable to reverse or eliminate existing plaques.

Breakthrough in Manganese-Based Therapy

Two groundbreaking studies, published in Nature Cell Biology and Life Metabolism, highlight a novel approach to combatting atherosclerosis using an element previously overlooked for its cardiovascular benefits: manganese.

In murine models, researchers discovered that administering increased doses of manganese drastically reduced blood lipids and cleared atherosclerotic plaques.

The Mechanism Behind Manganese’s Effects

Role of Manganese in Lipid Regulation: Traditionally understood as playing a supporting role in enzymatic reactions, manganese has now been identified as a key player in controlling lipid delivery into the blood.

Lipids, including cholesterol and triglycerides, are transported in the blood via lipoproteins, which are complex carriers. Researchers found that these carriers depend on the biomolecular condensation of the coat protein complex II (COPII) complex.

Manganese and COPII Complex: Manganese ions directly interact with the COPII complex, enhancing its condensation. This interaction disrupts the balance in COPII regulation, leading to a unique regulation of blood lipid levels.

As a result, manganese-based therapy has been able to clear plaques in mice with cardiovascular diseases.

The Future of Manganese in Heart Disease Treatment

The discovery of manganese’s active role in reducing blood lipids and reversing atherosclerotic plaques opens new avenues for treating CVDs.

Dr. Xiao-Wei Chen, the senior author of the studies, expresses enthusiasm for further exploring the efficacy and safety of manganese in cardiovascular therapy.

The next steps include refining the administration methods and understanding the long-term impacts of manganese-based treatments.

In conclusion, these studies mark a significant advancement in cardiovascular research. They not only challenge the traditional view of manganese’s role in the body but also offer a promising new strategy for treating one of the world’s deadliest diseases.

As research continues, manganese could become a key component in the fight against heart disease.

If you care about heart health, please read studies that vitamin K helps cut heart disease risk by a third, and a year of exercise reversed worrisome heart failure.

For more information about heart health, please see recent studies about supplements that could help prevent heart disease, stroke, and results showing this food ingredient may strongly increase heart disease death risk.

The research findings can be found in Life Metabolism.

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