Light, sound, and magnets provide new hope for Alzheimer’s treatment

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Researchers are exploring exciting new ways to treat Alzheimer’s disease, a condition where the brain loses its ability to function properly.

A recent review in the Journal of Internal Medicine highlights how non-invasive methods like using light, sound, and magnets might help.

These methods are focused on stimulating a specific type of brain activity called gamma brain waves, especially those at 40 Hz frequency.

Gamma brain waves are important fast brain oscillations that usually happen at a rate of 30–100 times per second (Hz) but are found to be reduced in Alzheimer’s patients.

The Promise of 40 Hz Stimulation

Recent studies have shown that it’s both possible and safe to create 40 Hz brain activity in Alzheimer’s patients using these non-invasive methods.

This is a big deal because early results suggest that this kind of treatment can improve brain functions, slow down the disease’s progress, and even help with thinking and memory skills in patients.

It’s not just the neurons, or brain cells, that are important in this process. Other types of cells in the brain, like microglial cells, astrocytes, and vascular cells, also seem to play a part in the positive effects seen from this treatment.

Dr. Li-Huei Tsai from MIT, the lead author of the study, mentioned that increasing gamma activity with 40 Hz sensory stimulation changes the way various glial cells in the brain behave. This could be key to protecting brain cells and functions.

The team is now looking into how exactly this 40 Hz brain activity involves different cell types in the brain to provide these protective effects.

This research offers a new perspective on treating Alzheimer’s disease. By using non-invasive methods like light, sound, and magnetic stimulation to target specific brain wave frequencies, there’s hope for improving the lives of those affected by this challenging condition.

If you care about Alzheimer’s disease, please read studies that bad lifestyle habits can cause Alzheimer’s disease, and this new drug may help treat Alzheimer’s disease.

For more information about brain health, please see recent studies about a new early sign of Alzheimer’s disease, and results showing this brain problem can increase risk of stroke for up to five years.

The research findings can be found in Journal of Internal Medicine.

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