Heart disease risk lowered by 20% in people with no diabetes or obesity

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In a groundbreaking study, scientists have discovered that a medication called semaglutide can significantly improve heart health in people who are overweight or obese, even if they don’t have diabetes.

This research was part of a large international trial that focused on individuals who were overweight or obese but did not have diabetes.

Participants in the study took a medication called semaglutide. This drug is usually used to treat Type 2 diabetes and is also approved for weight loss. Over three years, the study monitored the health of these individuals.

What Did the Study Find?

The people who took semaglutide had a 20% lower chance of experiencing heart attacks, strokes, or dying from heart disease compared to those who didn’t take the medication.

On average, participants lost about 9.4% of their body weight.

The study showed that semaglutide is generally safe to use. Some people stopped taking it because of stomach issues, but these were not serious problems.

People in the study used a special pen to inject themselves with semaglutide or a placebo (a substance with no medical effect) every week. They started with a lower dose, which was gradually increased.

Neither the participants nor the researchers knew who was receiving the actual medication and who was getting the placebo.

Alongside the study medication, participants continued their usual heart disease treatments.

This study is especially important for people who are overweight or obese and have heart disease but do not have diabetes. Semaglutide could be a new way to help manage their condition.

With obesity rates increasing worldwide, semaglutide offers hope for a significant part of the population.

The medication could prevent further heart problems in people who have already experienced heart-related health issues.

Researchers plan to do more studies to understand precisely how semaglutide helps with heart health. They also hope to make this treatment more accessible to people who could benefit from it.

The study mainly included individuals who had already experienced heart disease. It also had a lower percentage of female participants than the general population, which future research might address.

If you care about heart health, please read studies about how eating eggs can help reduce heart disease risk, and herbal supplements could harm your heart rhythm.

For more health information, please see recent studies about how drinking milk affects risks of heart disease and cancer, and results showing DASH diet is good for your blood pressure, and vegetable diet may reduce heart disease risk.

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