Vitamin D may help reduce risk of heart rhythm disorders

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A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland has brought to light some promising findings regarding vitamin D and its potential effects on reducing atrial fibrillation risk.

Atrial fibrillation, a common heart rhythm disorder, is known to increase with age and can lead to serious health issues like stroke and heart failure.

This study, part of the Finnish Vitamin D Trial (FIND), specifically focused on whether higher doses of vitamin D could help in preventing this condition.

Study Design and Participants

The study spanned from 2012 to 2018, involving 2,495 participants aged 60 and above.

These individuals were divided into three groups: a placebo group and two groups receiving different doses of vitamin D3 supplements – one with 40 micrograms (1600 IU) per day and the other with 80 micrograms (3200 IU) per day.

Importantly, participants could also take up to 20 micrograms (800 IU) of personal vitamin D supplements daily.

Throughout the study, participants were not only tracked for cardiovascular diseases and cancers but also provided detailed information about their lifestyle, nutrition, and various risk factors.

Key Findings

After five years, the study observed a significant reduction in atrial fibrillation incidents among those taking vitamin D supplements:

  • 27% lower risk in the group taking 40 micrograms.
  • 32% lower risk in the group taking 80 micrograms, compared to the placebo group.

Interestingly, the baseline serum calcidiol (a marker of vitamin D in the body) was relatively high among participants, and those in the vitamin D groups showed further increases after one year.

Implications and Future Directions

This study is groundbreaking as it’s the first randomized controlled trial showing that vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of atrial fibrillation in generally healthy older adults. Previous studies using lower doses of vitamin D did not observe this effect.

However, these results, though promising, call for further research before recommending high doses of vitamin D for atrial fibrillation prevention, as they significantly exceed current general health recommendations.


The University of Eastern Finland’s FIND study offers a new perspective on the potential benefits of vitamin D in preventing atrial fibrillation.

While these findings are encouraging, they also highlight the need for more research to fully understand and validate the role of vitamin D in heart health, especially at higher doses.

This study is a step forward in exploring new preventative measures for common and serious heart conditions.

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The research findings can be found in the American Heart Journal.

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