Exercise can improve your brain health after a bad night’s sleep

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A recent study led by the University of Portsmouth has revealed fascinating insights into the relationship between exercise, sleep, and cognitive performance.

The study, published in the journal Physiology and Behaviour, emphasizes the positive impact of moderate exercise on cognitive functions, regardless of sleep deprivation or oxygen levels.

This research offers hope for those who experience disrupted sleep patterns, including parents, shift workers, and high-altitude travelers.

Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Functions

The study involved two experiments, each with 12 participants. The first experiment focused on partial sleep deprivation, where participants were allowed only five hours of sleep per night over three days.

They were given cognitive tasks to perform both at rest and while cycling. Despite varying resilience to sleep deficits among individuals, the study found that moderate-intensity exercise consistently improved performance across all tasks.

This finding suggests that exercise can be a vital intervention to counteract the effects of inadequate sleep on cognitive abilities.

Exercise in Hypoxic Conditions

In the second experiment, participants underwent total sleep deprivation and were then exposed to a hypoxic environment, simulating conditions of low oxygen levels.

Even under these challenging conditions, exercise continued to enhance cognitive performance. This surprising result indicates that the benefits of physical activity on brain function are robust, even when oxygen availability is reduced.

Broader Implications and Future Research

The study’s findings have significant implications for various groups, including athletes training at high altitudes, individuals with irregular sleep patterns, and professionals working in extreme environments.

The research team, comprising experts from multiple universities, suggests that cognitive improvements during exercise are likely due to complex neurobiological mechanisms involving various brain regions, not just the Prefrontal Cortex.

Further research is needed to unravel these mechanisms, which could lead to targeted strategies for improving cognitive functions in sleep-deprived or hypoxic conditions.

Additionally, future studies should consider a more diverse participant group, including different age groups and health conditions, to broaden the applicability of these findings.

In conclusion, this study highlights the power of exercise as a tool to enhance brain function, offering a practical approach to mitigate the cognitive impacts of sleep deprivation and low oxygen environments.

If you care about sleep quality, please read studies about how to sleep to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, and this herb could help you sleep well at night.

For more information about brain health, please see recent studies about high blood pressure drug that could treat dementia, and results showing this diet could protect against memory loss and dementia.

The research findings can be found in Physiology & Behavior.

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