Antioxidants may promote lung cancer growth, study shows

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Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, have long been hailed for their health benefits, with many people turning to supplements to combat diseases like cancer.

However, a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden challenges this conventional wisdom, suggesting that antioxidants may actually facilitate the growth and spread of lung cancer tumors.

The Surprising Revelation

Professor Martin Bergö, the leader of the study, explains, “The belief has always been that antioxidants protect against cancer, but our study reveals the opposite.”

The research demonstrates that these antioxidants can trigger a process that fosters the development of new blood vessels within tumors—a phenomenon known as angiogenesis—thereby providing vital nutrients to the tumor and accelerating its growth and metastasis.

The Mechanism Behind Antioxidant-Driven Tumor Growth

Antioxidants function by neutralizing harmful molecules known as free radicals within the body. Paradoxically, they can also activate a protein called BACH1.

When BACH1 becomes active, it promotes the formation of new blood vessels within tumors, effectively fueling their expansion. This process creates a conundrum, as Bergö explains, “In simple terms, more antioxidants mean more fuel for the tumor.”

Implications for Cancer Treatment

The study’s findings hold significant implications for cancer treatments that aim to inhibit angiogenesis. Such treatments have faced limitations in terms of efficacy, but the research suggests that targeting specific proteins like BACH1 may enhance their success rate.

Tumors exhibiting higher BACH1 activity were observed to develop more new blood vessels and exhibit greater responsiveness to therapies designed to impede this process.

Diverse Tumor Types Exhibit Similar Patterns

While the experiments primarily focused on lung cancer samples, the study extended its investigation to human breast and kidney tumors, revealing consistent patterns.

Tumors featuring heightened BACH1 activity demonstrated a greater propensity for developing new blood vessels and exhibited enhanced responses to treatments designed to obstruct angiogenesis.

Future Directions

The research team’s future work is poised to explore the influence of oxygen levels and free radicals on BACH1 activation. Additionally, they aim to assess the impact of this mechanism on various cancer types, such as breast and kidney cancer.

Conclusion: A Cautionary Note

The study underscores the importance of caution when considering antioxidant supplements, particularly in substantial doses. It serves as a reminder that not all substances deemed “beneficial” operate uniformly in all contexts.

While antioxidants remain a valuable component of a balanced diet, the study highlights the need for prudence, especially among individuals at a heightened risk of cancer.

This research adds complexity to the interplay between antioxidants and cancer, shedding light on the intricacies of this relationship and offering a promising avenue for more effective treatments.

The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation and represents a significant step toward unraveling the intricate dynamics between antioxidants and cancer development and progression.

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