Adding almonds into your diet can help you lose weight

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Do you love almonds but worry they might make you gain weight? Well, the good news is that almonds can actually help you shed those extra pounds.

A recent study conducted by the University of South Australia uncovered some surprising benefits of eating almonds while trying to lose weight and improve your heart health.

Almonds for Weight Loss

Many people think that almonds are too fatty and could hinder their weight loss efforts.

However, this new research suggests the opposite. It shows that almonds can be part of a successful weight loss plan and might even improve your heart health.

In the study, researchers explored how almonds affect weight loss and overall heart health. They discovered some exciting results:

Almonds and Weight Loss

Including almonds in your diet, even when you’re trying to lose weight, can help. Participants who ate almonds during an energy-restricted diet lost around 7 kilograms (about 15.4 pounds) on average.

Almonds vs. Carbohydrate Snacks

Interestingly, the study found that the almond diet was just as effective as a diet featuring carbohydrate-rich snacks when it came to losing weight. So, if you enjoy almonds, you can enjoy them while dieting without sacrificing your weight loss goals.

Better Heart Health

The almond diet also led to improvements in certain parts of the participants’ blood related to heart health. These improvements could mean better heart health in the long run.

Benefits of Almonds

Before we dive deeper into the study, let’s take a moment to understand why almonds are such a healthy snack:

Nutrient-Rich: Almonds are packed with nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Healthy Fats: Yes, almonds do contain fats, but these are the good kind—unsaturated fats. These fats can help improve your cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and keep your heart happy.

Satiety: Eating almonds can make you feel full for longer, which can help you control your hunger and manage your weight.

The Study Details

To uncover these findings, the study included 106 participants who followed a nine-month eating plan.

This plan started with a three-month energy-restricted diet to kickstart weight loss. Then, participants switched to a six-month energy-controlled diet to maintain their weight.

During both phases, 15% of the participants’ daily calorie intake was allocated to either unsalted whole almonds with skins (for the almond diet) or carbohydrate-rich snacks like rice crackers and cereal bars (for the non-almond diet).

What Does It All Mean?

This study tells us that you don’t need to avoid almonds if you’re trying to lose weight. In fact, almonds can be a helpful addition to your diet. They’re not just good for your heart; they also support your weight loss goals.

However, keep in mind that almonds alone won’t magically make you shed pounds. A balanced diet, exercise, and overall healthy habits are essential. So, enjoy your almonds as a part of a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle.

Final Thoughts

The next time you’re looking for a satisfying snack, consider grabbing a handful of almonds.

They’re not just delicious; they can also help you on your weight loss journey and contribute to better heart health. Remember, the key to successful weight loss is making healthy choices consistently.

If you care about weight, please read studies that common eating habits may cause too much weight gain, and this exercise has unique benefits for weight loss.

For more information about nutrition, please see recent studies about vitamin that may protect you from type 2 diabetes, and results showing this common chemical in food may harm your blood pressure.

The research findings can be found in Obesity.

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