Only 1 in 5 older Americans get Alzheimer’s screening last year, study finds

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A recent poll has revealed that only one in five individuals aged 65 to 80 have undergone cognitive screening in the past year.

Despite this low screening rate, 80% of older adults recognize the benefits of tests that can provide early warnings of cognitive decline.

Additionally, 60% believe healthcare providers should offer cognitive screening, including brief memory tests, to all older adults on an annual basis.

The poll highlights the gap between the perceived importance of cognitive screening and its limited implementation.

The Value of Cognitive Screening

Cognitive screening tests are crucial for detecting early signs of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

These tests offer individuals the opportunity to take proactive measures to protect their brain health and adjust their financial and healthcare planning accordingly.

The poll found that if a cognitive screening test indicated potential issues, 96% of respondents would take action, and 75% would modify their financial and healthcare plans in response.

Despite the benefits and strong support for cognitive screening, the majority of older adults have not undergone such tests in the past year. Furthermore, 59% reported never having had a cognitive screening.

The poll data also revealed disparities in screening rates, with only 10% of older adults of Hispanic ethnicity reporting recent cognitive screening, compared to 22% of non-Hispanic white respondents and 21% of non-Hispanic Black respondents.

Medicare Coverage and Expectations

Medicare covers brief cognitive tests as part of annual wellness visits, making these screenings accessible to enrolled individuals.

The poll findings indicate that over 80% of older adults expect their healthcare providers to conduct cognitive screening or blood biomarker testing when they deem it appropriate.

This expectation emphasizes the role of healthcare providers in the early detection of cognitive issues.

The study also examined factors influencing cognitive testing.

It found that older adults were more likely to report undergoing cognitive screening if they were of older age, had higher levels of education, reported poorer physical health, had Medicare Advantage coverage, and held positive views about screening in general.

These findings underscore the need to address barriers and facilitators of cognitive testing among diverse groups of older adults.

Awareness of Blood Biomarker Tests

The poll data showed that only 17% of respondents were familiar with blood tests that can detect Alzheimer’s disease by identifying biomarkers related to brain proteins tau and amyloid.

While these tests are currently ordered by specialists for individuals with objective cognitive impairment, experts believe they could be valuable for screening and early detection of Alzheimer’s.

Half of the respondents expressed support for making such blood tests available to all adults over 65.


The poll’s findings emphasize the importance of cognitive screening in older adults, with strong support for these tests among the aging population.

However, the gap between perception and implementation highlights the need to improve awareness and access to cognitive screening, especially among underrepresented groups.

Healthcare providers play a critical role in early detection, and expectations for screening are high among older adults.

Addressing barriers to screening and increasing awareness of available options are crucial steps in promoting brain health among aging individuals.

If you care about Alzheimer’s disease, please read studies that bad lifestyle habits can cause Alzheimer’s disease, and strawberries can be good defence against Alzheimer’s.

For more information about brain health, please see recent studies that oral cannabis extract may help reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms, and Vitamin E may help prevent Parkinson’s disease.

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