Scientists find a simple new treatment for high blood pressure

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High blood pressure affects millions of people globally and can lead to severe health issues like heart disease, kidney problems, and stroke.

Traditionally, managing high blood pressure involves lifestyle changes like diet and exercise, and medication.

However, some people find it hard to control their high blood pressure even with these approaches. A recent study has introduced a new, minimally invasive procedure that promises to help.

A Groundbreaking Procedure

Published in the JAMA medical journal, the study discusses a new procedure called renal denervation (RDN). It’s a simple treatment that works under your skin and involves using sound energy.

This procedure is particularly useful for people whose blood pressure remains high even when they are on medication.

In simpler terms, doctors put a small tube, somewhat similar to the stents used to unblock arteries, into a blood vessel leading to your kidney.

Sound energy, delivered through a tiny balloon, is then used to deactivate the nerves around this blood vessel. These are the nerves that make your blood pressure high. By deactivating them, your blood pressure goes down.

How It Works

The best part is that this procedure is quite simple and doesn’t require major surgery. A small tube, known as a catheter, is inserted into your body through a tiny opening made either in your wrist or groin.

This tube is then guided into the blood vessel that leads to your kidney. Once it’s in the right place, sound energy or sometimes radiofrequency energy is sent into the tissues around the blood vessel.

This calms down the overactive nerves and helps to lower your blood pressure. The tube is then taken out, and the same process is repeated for the other kidney.

Proven to Be Effective

A large clinical trial involving 224 patients with uncontrollable high blood pressure was conducted to test this new treatment.

Dr. Stephen Jenkins, one of the researchers, mentioned that this treatment offers another option for people struggling to control their high blood pressure.

Previous smaller studies already showed promising results for people with mild to high blood pressure.

This new, more extensive study, known as the Radiance II trial, found that the treatment was effective in keeping blood pressure levels lower for at least two months following the procedure.

Further supporting evidence comes from three additional studies published in JAMA Cardiology, involving more than 500 patients.

These studies have consistently shown that the procedure works well across a wide range of high blood pressure cases.

So, for those who find it hard to keep their blood pressure in check with traditional methods, this new treatment could be a promising alternative.

To further explore ways to manage your blood pressure, consider research on how drinking tea or restricting your eating to earlier in the day could help.

Also, note that reducing added sugar in your diet and increasing vitamin D levels could be beneficial, especially for people with diabetes.

The findings from this groundbreaking study were published in the JAMA medical journal and could herald a new era in treating high blood pressure.

If you care about blood pressure, please read studies about Scientists find new drug to treat high blood pressure and sleep apnea and the findings of Vitamins B could be the magic trick to lower blood pressure.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies about inflammation drugs that may increase your blood pressure, and results showing the key to treating high blood pressure.

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