Vitamins B could be the magic trick to lower blood pressure, study finds

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High blood pressure, affecting many people worldwide, is a considerable health issue.

Approximately 12.8% of those afflicted cannot manage it even with medication, resulting in drug-resistant hypertension.

The optimal blood pressure level, previously under 140/90, is now recommended to be even lower, at about 130/80.

The Role of Homocysteine

A substance in our body, homocysteine, interacts with vitamins. If there is a deficiency in specific vitamins like B6, B12, folate, and B2, homocysteine levels can increase.

High homocysteine levels can constrict our blood vessels, leading to hypertension and other health complications.

Scientists from the University of Maine found that supplementing individuals with these B vitamins could decrease homocysteine levels, thereby lowering blood pressure.

This potential solution is quite cost-effective as these vitamins are not expensive.

A Matter of Debate

Not everyone is convinced that this approach will work for everyone. To gain more insight into the matter, the scientists reviewed the findings from other studies.

The extensive review revealed that administering B vitamins could reduce blood pressure by 6 to 13 points—a significant decrease, equivalent to dropping from a reading of 140 to 127.

The acceptable range for homocysteine levels is debated. While most people agree it should be less than 10, others believe it could be up to 11.4.

However, scientists from the University of Maine believe it should be even lower to maintain optimal health.

An Additional Tool in the Fight Against Hypertension

B vitamins could serve as an auxiliary measure for people struggling to control their high blood pressure with medication.

It’s crucial to remember that any supplementation should be discussed with a healthcare provider first.

The research team, led by Merrill Elias, shared their findings in the American Journal of Hypertension, thereby illuminating the potential of B vitamins in the management of high blood pressure.

If you care about blood pressure, please read studies about food that could help control blood pressure and blood sugar, and the bottom blood pressure number can tell your dementia risk.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies about inflammation drugs that may increase your blood pressure, and results showing the key to treating high blood pressure.

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