Food choices at an ‘all-you-can-eat’ buffet linked to weight gain risk

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A recent study published in the journal Appetite by researchers at the University of Kansas has highlighted the relationship between the consumption of hyperpalatable foods and the risk of weight gain and obesity.

The study adds another layer of concern as it also includes findings about the exposure rate of infants to such foods.

All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Experiment

In an intriguing real-world experiment, young adults without obesity were provided a meal at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Their food choices were categorized into high-energy density foods, ultra-processed foods, and hyperpalatable foods.

The researchers, led by Tera Fazzino, then tracked the participants’ weight change and body fat percentage one year later.

Key Findings

The study found that those who chose a higher proportion of carbohydrate and sodium (CSOD) hyperpalatable foods like popcorn or pretzels experienced a significant increase in weight and body fat one year later.

Surprisingly, this outcome was not observed for those who consumed high proportions of fat and sodium hyperpalatable foods, high-energy dense, and ultra-processed foods.

Hedonic Eating

According to Fazzino, the focus on the rewarding characteristics of food rather than satisfying physiological hunger is known as “hedonic eating.”

People who lean towards consuming hyperpalatable carbohydrate and sodium foods are at greater risk of weight and body fat gain.

The Startling Baby Food Revelation

Expanding on her earlier research, Fazzino also studied the exposure rate of infants to hyperpalatable foods.

An astonishing 90% of 147 babies in the study were fed such foods, primarily because they were fed adult foods. 12% of foods marketed as “baby food” were also classified as hyperpalatable.

Long-term Consequences

According to Fazzino, early exposure to hyperpalatable foods could set the stage for harmful eating habits later in life.

Such foods can activate brain-reward neural circuitry similarly to some drugs of abuse, making these types of food more compelling as the child grows.

The prevalence of hyperpalatable foods in the American food system makes this a significant public health concern.

Recommendations and Implications

The study advises parents to be cautious about the adult foods they offer to babies, as these could be a primary vehicle for early exposure to hyperpalatable foods.

The research implies a need for both individual and systemic changes, including possible regulatory action to limit the availability and marketing of hyperpalatable foods, especially to vulnerable populations like children.


This study serves as a wake-up call for parents, healthcare providers, and policymakers.

While individual choices are crucial, the pervasive availability of hyperpalatable foods complicates the picture, making it crucial to consider both personal and environmental factors in tackling the obesity epidemic.

The findings underscore the importance of early intervention and awareness to mitigate the risk of developing unhealthy eating habits and obesity later in life.

If you care about obesity, please read studies about Scientists find two big contributors to obesity and findings of Eating fewer than 3 meals a day may help reduce risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

For more information about obesity and health, please read studies about berries that can help prevent diabetes, obesity, and cancer, and new drugs to treat diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

The research findings can be found in Appetite.

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