Obesity linked to sex- and age- related genes, study finds

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The Connection Between Genes and Weight

We all know our weight and body size are influenced by many things: our genes, the environment around us, and more.

Now, researchers have found new genes that might affect how likely some people are to become obese. They also noticed that these genes might work differently depending on a person’s sex and age.

The Study’s Findings

John Perry, a scientist from the University of Cambridge, led this research. He believes that it’s wrong to think that diseases affect everyone in the same way.

Things like age, sex, and hormones can change how diseases show up in people.

To learn more, the team studied the DNA of over 400,000 adults. They found seven genes linked to body size. Interestingly, five of these genes mainly influenced women’s weight, while two mostly affected men.

For example, women with changes in the genes called DIDO1, PTPRG, and SLC12A5 tended to be more obese. Some of these women also had other health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

But these genes didn’t seem to change men’s weight at all. This means there are some genes that affect only women or only men when it comes to obesity.

The researchers also asked people to remember their body size when they were kids. They found two new genes that might be linked to children’s body size.

One gene, called OBSCN, was connected to being heavier as a child. The other, MADD, was linked to being smaller. But by the time people grew up, the MADD gene didn’t seem to affect their weight anymore.

Why Does This Matter?

Perry was surprised by some of the genes they found. For example, some of the genes are usually related to DNA damage. Right now, scientists don’t understand how these genes might be connected to obesity.

But, Perry is hopeful. He thinks that these new discoveries can help scientists learn more about obesity. They might even find new ways to treat it in the future.

What’s Next?

The research team wants to repeat their study with more people from different backgrounds. They also want to study these genes in animals to understand them better.

In the end, Perry is optimistic. He says, “We’re just starting to uncover some exciting biology. This study might lead us to new treatments for obesity one day.”

If you care about weight loss, please read studies about popular weight loss diets linked to heart disease and cancer, and this exercise has unique benefits for weight loss.

For more information about weight loss, please see recent studies that green diet can reduce belly fat much better, and Keto diet could help control body weight and blood sugar in diabetes.

The study was published in Cell Genomics.

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