Heavy alcohol drinking is common in cancer patients

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We often hear about the dangers of excessive drinking. From causing car accidents to leading to health problems, there’s no shortage of reasons to be careful with alcohol.

Now, a new study is shedding light on one more reason: the surprising amount of cancer survivors who continue to drink heavily, even while undergoing treatment.

This has raised eyebrows and concerns among health experts.

The Shocking Stats

A recent study dived into the drinking habits of over 15,000 American adults who have had cancer. Out of these, a staggering 78% said they still drink. The kicker?

Many aren’t just having the occasional glass of wine. A lot of them admitted to heavy or “binge” drinking.

For those who might not know, binge drinking means having a lot of drinks in a short time – like downing six or more drinks in a couple of hours.

Here’s what’s more surprising: their drinking habits didn’t change, even if they were actively being treated for cancer.

That means that many people, while trying to fight off one of the most challenging diseases we know, are also consuming a lot of alcohol.

Why Is This a Problem?

Alcohol and Cancer Don’t Mix: Now, everyone’s heard that smoking can cause cancer. But not many know that heavy drinking can do the same.

In fact, alcohol is linked to several kinds of cancer. These include some big names like breast and liver cancer, as well as cancers of parts of the mouth and throat.

Alcohol Could Mess With Cancer Treatment: There’s another big concern here. Some experts believe that drinking, especially heavy drinking, might mess with cancer treatments.

This could mean that the treatment might not work as well as it should. Or it might mean that the person gets stronger side effects from their treatment.

Drinking Heavily Is Just Not Good for You: Even if we set cancer aside, heavy drinking is just not great for your health. It can cause all sorts of problems, from damaging your liver to causing accidents when people drink and drive.

Why Do Cancer Survivors Drink?

This is a tough question, and to be honest, the study doesn’t give a clear answer. People drink for many reasons. Some might drink to cope with the stress of having cancer.

Others might not be aware of how risky it is. And some might just be in the habit of drinking and find it hard to stop.

One thing is clear, though: there’s a need for more awareness. Just like we see ads and warnings about the dangers of smoking, we probably need more information out there about the risks of heavy drinking, especially for cancer survivors.

Also, doctors and other health professionals might need to step up. They should talk more with their patients about drinking, especially if those patients are being treated for cancer.


The main takeaway from this study? There’s a surprising number of cancer survivors who drink, and many drink heavily. This is concerning for many reasons, from the links between alcohol and cancer to the potential risks with treatment.

While this study is a starting point, there’s still a lot to learn. More research is needed to fully understand how drinking affects cancer treatment and the long-term health of survivors.

In the meantime, it’s a good reminder for all of us. Whether you’re a cancer survivor or not, it’s a good idea to be mindful of how much you’re drinking.

If you choose to drink, try to keep it moderate, and if you’re undergoing treatment, always consult with your doctor about any potential risks.

If you care about cancer, please read studies about common drugs for inflammation may help kill cancer, and statin drugs can starve cancer cells to death.

For more information about cancer, please see recent studies about these two things are key to surviving cancer and results showing common Indian fruit may slow down cancer growth.

The study was published in JAMA Network Open.

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