Blood pressure drugs can be a heart health concern in women

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Beta-Blockers: A Commonly Prescribed Drug

Beta-blockers are medicines given to people to help lower their high blood pressure. Many people take them because having high blood pressure can lead to more serious heart problems.

How the Study Worked

Researchers from the University of Bologna decided to find out if these drugs affect men and women differently.

To do this, they studied a big group of adults from all over Europe. All of these people had high blood pressure, but none of them had heart disease before.

The group was split into two:

  1. People who were taking beta-blockers.
  2. People who weren’t taking any.

The scientists then watched to see which patients started having heart problems.

The results were surprising:

Women who took beta-blockers had a 4.6% higher chance of heart failure compared to men when they had sudden heart issues.

If these women had a very bad heart attack, their chances of heart failure went up to 6.1% more than men with the same problem.

People (both men and women) who weren’t on the medication had similar chances of heart failure.

This means that beta-blockers might be more risky for women than men, especially if they have not had heart problems before.

What Should Women Do?

These findings suggest that women with high blood pressure need to be extra careful. By doing simple things like eating healthy foods and staying active, they can keep their blood pressure in check.

One possible reason for the higher risk in women could be because they might be taking hormone treatments along with the beta-blockers. But the scientists didn’t check this in their study.

Heart health is a big topic with a lot of information. If you want to keep your heart happy and strong, check out other studies.

Some give advice on the best foods for heart health, while others explore how things like vitamin C or even cannabis might affect the heart.

Raffaele Bugiardini and his team shared all these findings in a science magazine called Hypertension. It’s always good to learn more to keep our hearts beating happily!

If you care about blood pressure, please read studies about a new cause of high blood pressure, and the most widely used high blood pressure drug that may harm heart health.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies about diet that could lower risks of diabetes and high blood pressure, and results showing this exercise could boost blood vessel health, and improve blood pressure.

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