Kicking out snoring partners: a new way to sleep peacefully

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Do you know what’s worse than a loud TV or a barking dog when you’re trying to sleep? A partner who snores or tosses and turns all night.

It seems many Americans agree. According to a recent study, over one-third of people are choosing to sleep alone to get a good night’s sleep. This trend is called a “sleep divorce”.

Men are the main ones choosing to sleep in different rooms, with 45% of them heading to the couch or a spare room. Only 25% of women do the same.

Sleep, Mood, and Relationships

Dr. Seema Khosla, a lung doctor and spokesperson for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), explains why this might be happening.

Not getting enough sleep can make you cranky, and cranky people tend to argue more with their partners. If one person is keeping the other from sleeping, it can hurt the relationship.

A good night’s sleep is key for health and happiness. So, it’s no shock that some couples are sleeping apart to feel better.

Research shows that a lack of sleep can lead to more arguments between couples. Also, people who don’t sleep enough might not understand their partner’s feelings as well.

Different Sleep Needs Across Generations

The research also shows that different age groups have different sleep habits. Almost half (43%) of millennials often sleep in a different room from their partner.

This is followed by 33% of Generation X, 28% of Generation Z, and 22% of baby boomers.

Dr. Khosla explains that the term “sleep divorce” might sound harsh. But it just means that people are putting sleep first and choosing to sleep separately when needed.

Snoring: A Warning Sign

If the reason for the sleep divorce is snoring, Dr. Khosla suggests the snorer should see a doctor. Snoring isn’t just annoying – it can also be a sign of a sleep problem called sleep apnea.

People with sleep apnea often snore loudly and can even stop breathing during their sleep.

Other signs of sleep apnea include feeling tired during the day, having headaches in the morning, waking up often to pee, and having trouble focusing. Overweight people are more likely to have sleep apnea.

So, if you or your partner are snoring a lot, it’s worth talking to a doctor. But until then, don’t feel bad about taking a “sleep divorce” if it helps you rest better!

If you care about sleep, please read studies about sleep apnea linked to autoimmune diseases and why people with sleep apnea are more likely to have high blood pressure.

For more information about brain health, please see recent studies that cranberries could help boost memory, and how alcohol, coffee, and tea intake influence cognitive decline.

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