How e-cigarettes impact our tooth and gum health

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Have you noticed how many people are vaping these days?

Especially young people seem to love it. But did you know that this trendy habit could harm your mouth’s health?

A researcher from the University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Claudia Andl, has been studying this, and her findings might make you think twice before vaping.

What Vaping Does to Our Mouth

When we vape, our mouths become a battleground. You see, our mouth is like a city full of bacteria. Some are good guys who keep us healthy, but others can make us sick. Vaping seems to stir up trouble in this city.

The heat and chemicals from the vape mess with the good bacteria, making it harder for them to do their job. This means bad bacteria, like the ones causing cavities and gum disease, have more space to grow.

How Vaping Can Lead to Health Problems

Without good bacteria, our mouth becomes a place where cavities and gum disease can thrive. Gum disease can make our gums shrink back, which can make our teeth lose and sometimes even fall out.

But that’s not all. Vaping can also put us at risk for other serious problems, like cancer.

There’s a bad bacteria, called Staphylococcus aureus, that can cause severe sickness and even death if it gets into our bloodstream. It’s also found in mouth tumors.

Normally, our bodies can fight off these bacteria, but vaping seems to turn off the alarm that tells our immune system to attack.

The Link Between Vaping and Cancer

One of the scariest things is that vaping could make cells in our mouth more likely to become cancerous. Andl is studying this by looking at markers on cells that show they might become cancerous.

Some of these markers tell the cell to keep growing and dividing, which can lead to a tumor. If Andl can show that these markers are more active after exposure to vape, it’ll be more proof that vaping can cause cancer.

Why We Should Care

Even though vaping has become more popular, we’re only starting to understand how harmful it can be. Andl hopes her research will help people, especially young folks, understand the risks they’re taking when they vape.

We all want to stay healthy and happy, right? So let’s think twice before we vape, and let’s share this knowledge with our friends and family, too.


In the end, we all have a role to play in fighting against the dangers of vaping. And that starts by getting informed.

If we know the risks, we can make better choices for ourselves and help others do the same. So let’s put our health first and think twice before we vape.

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