AI can detect lung cancer more accurately, study finds

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A recent study, published in the journal Radiology, has demonstrated that assistance from a high diagnostic accuracy artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm can significantly enhance radiologists’ ability to detect lung cancers on chest X-rays.

The study also found that radiologists were more willing to accept AI suggestions when the AI system’s diagnostic performance was high.

The Study: AI and Radiologists Working Together

Researchers at Seoul National University conducted a retrospective study involving 30 readers (20 thoracic radiologists and 10 radiology residents) who analyzed 120 chest X-rays without AI assistance initially.

In a second session, they reassessed the X-rays, this time with the aid of either a high- or low-accuracy AI. The readers were not aware that two different AI systems were in play.

The Findings: Accuracy Matters

The study found that the use of high-accuracy AI notably improved readers’ detection performance compared to low-accuracy AI.

High-accuracy AI also led to more frequent changes in reader determinations, a phenomenon known as susceptibility.

In other words, the radiologists were more likely to modify their assessments based on the high-accuracy AI’s recommendations.

Trust in AI

Study lead author, Dr. Chang Min Park, emphasized the impact of trust in AI on human susceptibility to AI suggestions.

When radiologists were provided with suggestions by high-performance AI, they were more likely to consider and incorporate these suggestions into their assessments.

The findings highlight the crucial role of trust and performance in human-AI collaboration.

AI’s Performance Impact

Compared to the first reading session, the use of high diagnostic accuracy AI in the second session resulted in an increase in per-lesion sensitivity (0.63 versus 0.53), and specificity (0.94 versus 0.88).

In contrast, when low diagnostic accuracy AI was used, there was no improvement in these measurements.

Contextualizing AI Use

While the study underscores the benefits of high diagnostic performance AI, Dr. Park noted that what constitutes “high diagnostic performance AI” could vary depending on the task and the clinical context.

An AI model that can detect all abnormalities may seem ideal, but such a model might have limited practical use in certain clinical settings, like mass screening for pulmonary tuberculosis.

Dr. Park stressed the need for both the development of high-performance AI models and a thoughtful consideration of the clinical setting in which the AI will be utilized for the best results.

Looking Ahead

The researchers plan to extend their investigation of human-AI collaboration to the detection of other abnormalities on chest X-rays and CT images.

This research highlights the potential for AI to enhance diagnostic accuracy in radiology when the technology is appropriately developed and applied.

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The study was published in Radiology.

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