The vitamin D dilemma: too many tests, not enough sunlight

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Do you know why we’re told to play in the sun? It’s because of a very important vitamin called vitamin D.

Our body makes it when we’re in the sunlight.

But some kids don’t get enough of it, and this can cause a serious illness called rickets. Let’s learn more about this.

Why Do We Need Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a superhero in our bodies. It keeps our bones strong and helps our muscles work right. But sometimes, kids don’t get enough.

This can happen if they don’t spend enough time outside in the sun. Or if they have dark skin, which makes it harder for the body to make vitamin D.

Rickets: The Sneaky Villain

Rickets is a disease that can happen when kids don’t get enough vitamin D. It can make their bones weak and bend easily.

Kids with rickets might feel tired, have aches and pains, or even have seizures. But this is very rare.

Doctors and the Vitamin D Tests

In Australia, some doctors are worried about kids not getting enough vitamin D. So, they’re testing kids’ blood to see if they have enough.

In fact, the number of these tests has gone up a lot. In 2018, a kid was 30 times more likely to be tested than in 2003. But here’s the strange part: the number of kids with low vitamin D hasn’t changed.

The Problem with Too Many Tests

The researchers, led by Professor Yvonne Zurynski, think that there are too many tests. They believe that doctors should focus on preventing the problem, instead of just looking for it.

For example, it would be better to make sure kids are getting enough vitamin D from the sun or from food.

Preventing Vitamin D Deficiency

A group of scientists from around the world has a plan. They say that all babies should get extra vitamin D for their first year.

This is especially important for babies who don’t get enough sunlight. Some countries, like the US, Canada, and the UK, have already started doing this.

The Way Forward in Australia

But in Australia, things are different. The country hasn’t started giving all babies extra vitamin D yet. And foods in Australia aren’t filled with extra vitamin D like they are in some other countries.

So, Professors Zurynski and Munns are working hard to change this. They want Australia to start giving all babies extra vitamin D, just like other countries.

The Future of Vitamin D

This problem can be solved, just like others before it. Remember how pregnant women started taking folic acid to prevent another disease called spina bifida? It’s the same idea.

If all babies in Australia got extra vitamin D for their first year, there would be fewer cases of rickets. And that’s the goal: fewer sick kids, more strong and healthy ones.

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The study was published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood.

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